a couple of Valks popped up around here

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This thread has got me to thinking about these older, large bikes, and the various forums we use, makes me a bit philosophical. This forum and NGW is still keeping with the older GWs. GW Docs is morphing towards 1500/1800s as is Steve Saunders. Just an observation.

You see a lot of these older, large bikes hit the market because of health reasons, passing of a spouse and such, indicating that it is an older crowd that is selling. The push/romance with adventure bikes and the newer, smaller size bikes because of insurance and such, are making these older, heavier and large CC bikes less expensive and with a limited market.

My daughter used to comment on some of the cars she would see, and ask why these hot/neat cars were driven by us old farts. My answer was always the same, because we can afford them.

Enough with a trip down memory lane. I do think that there will be more of these show up at a very attractive price if you are in the market for one.

Just a thought or two.

[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=210285#p210285:2towcflx said:
julimike54 » Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:15 am[/url]":2towcflx]
Maybe find a Valk forum and see if they sell there?
The really cheap ones have been coming across some of the Valkyrie FB pages. :yes:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=210261#p210261:2jlx4mau said:
bib » Wed Jun 19, 2019 7:17 pm[/url]":2jlx4mau]
Looking at Valk prices on local Craigslist makes me sad. Once I clean up Vince's and get it on the market I fear we'll have trouble getting anywhere close to $3k for Hanni

I find it hard to believe that in any Market in the continental United States a nice, relatively low mile, clean unmolested Valkyrie will not fetch $3,000 at a bare minimum.

Heck, a nice gl1000 could bring that much if clean enough...