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Classic Goldwings

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Perhaps YOU might enjoy the ride in 30-40 degree weather Dan, but for me.....No Way, Cuz!!! :nea:
Zoom , Zoom ,........ I can't wait till spring..... but, here is the road right now.
off Bypass+.jpg
Got back from a 100 mile ride about 30 minutes age with a temperature of 63 degrees

Snowing here mostly all week. will shoot a picture of the road fresh with new white stuff after the sun comes up. I wanted to add how great the forum is looking! Thanks Dan and everyone involveD!
Thanks to you folks and this site , I have something to do when it's too cold and bad out to ride or work on my Goldwing.
X-rays might show that your larynx is actually more affected by Laryngopharyngeal Reflux a medical condition from too much stomach acid flowing back up your esophagus! This could be brought on by diet or stress such as not being able to ride your Wing due to snoW!
Wise a$$!!! :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:

Cold and damp as heck here. I haven't been able to ride for a couple of months now...and I haven't done any work on the bike, eitheR... :lazy: :read: :whistling:
:hi: Zipping around on a wing in the winter is a lot of fun, however scooting through the snow on 4 wheelers in the proper clothing is the greatist...... when you are young......gets into the bones when you get older..... soooo its the campfire for me.
Everyday for the last three has been rainy so I dont need a bike now, i need a ............umiaq. :hihihi:

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