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Classic Goldwings

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Many things ......but , I think there has been things said about Motor Cycles , or maybe even Goldwings .... and MAYBY even GL1100 GoldwingS
Perfect , we're Back on Track again..... Talkin' about the Important things in Life.. . like in the old days at School , the 3 R's , used to be , Readin' , Rightin' , & Rythmatick ....... but NOW , it's Ridin' , Racin' , & Ramblin' On , On Classc Goldwings ..... DOT COM
Yep , BUT it's been awful Quiet on here ..... everybody must be enjoying all this beautiful weather , we been Camping , AND Riding the WinG
Good weather around here for ridin, too, until today....gots a little bit of moisture fallin from da sky....dammiT :crying:
Egads!! Just hitting a swarm of bees messed me up...I can only imagine what hitting something as large as a deer would dO!!! :moped:

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