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Classic Goldwings

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Walking to school was a thrill!
Spider bikes with banana seats and sissy bars
Lots of 45 RPM records
Cap'n Crunch
Captain Kangaroo and the ping pong balls
Watching JFK's funeral at school
School started in September and ended in May
22 cents-a-gallon gas
The first TV show I saw in color - Bozo
Nixon vs Humphrey
My dad driving up in a brand-new '62 Bel Air station wagon
mwbill37841":1w9vti2w said:
don't forget kent state shootings. chicago rioits, cinncinnati rioits, .peace marches.

I lived 6 blocks away from this happening. The line was drawn at Century Blvd and we lived on 106th St.
JFK, RFK and MLK killings. As cool as the 60's were, there was plenty of bad, just like now. It seems as though humanity will never learn to just get along.

But - mmmmm, those shorts on Mary Ann! And Ellie Mae! And Goldie Hawn!
Almost forgot Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Wizard.
The creator of Gumby, Art Clokey, lived a couple blocks over from me.
And the pioneer of TV exercise, Jack LaLane, lived here too.
All of these guys died just in the past 3-5 years.
"Hey,'s Dave...whatever you do man...DON'T-answer-the-phone, OK? Don't answer the phone!"
"Whut? Dave? Naw man...Dave's not here, man....."
"No, maaaan....I'm Dave...just don't answer the phone, man"...
"Whuuut? Dave's not here, man...."

I heard THAT! They're coming out with a new album, too! Prolly won't be as funny as the old stuff, but...ya never know. :mrgreen:
I only remember stuff from the 70s like:

wacky packages
big wheels
evel knevel stunt toy
6 million dollar man action figure
planet of the apes action figures
kung Fu
6 million dollar man
threes company
mork & mindy
battlestar galactica
elvis presleys death
the iran hostages
pet rocks
banana seats
sissy bars
AApple":3j4r7mzd said:
I heard THAT! They're coming out with a new album, too! Prolly won't be as funny as the old stuff, but...ya never know. :mrgreen:
About a month ago I discovered "Hey, watch this" on Netflix.
They seem to be doing the same old stuff, but it never gets old.

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