Another "Oh SH......oot" Moment!

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Duncanville, Texas
My Bike Models
1981 GL1100 Innerstate("The Turd")SOLD!!, 1996 GL1500 Innerstate
:head bang:
There I was, cruisin down da highway, and I'm hearing the noise I ain't never heered afore on my '81. It's a kinda whirling type noise. I thought it might be my speedo cable(again), so I reach down, and I can feel it vibrating a little. I loosen the nut, and the vibration goes away, but that's not the noise. :(
I thought the bike was struggling a little, but....we had some 30-35mph winds going on, so I put it down to the wind. Then, it starts running a little's NEVER done that before. I hit the turn sig, and start movin to the right, to get off the interstate(road, not bike). I get into the next lane, and I'm thinkin I ain't gonna make it all the way over the 3 other lanes. I goose it hard, it's running like crap, then takes off like a scalded ape! The noise is gone, and the wind ain't botherin it at all. Now I'm thinkin "What the heck?!?!?"
I did get gas before starting home, so Imma thinkin I mighta went too long on Reserve this morning, and mayby got some poo-poo in one of the carbs? It was runnin fine this mornin on the way to werk.
Ida kinda skeered me...I was thinking the noise I was hearin was prolly the idler pulley for the timing belts, and I could just see that sucker locking up with me doin 75mph.... :doh:

Ya'll think maybe it was just some crud in one of the carbs, or ya think I got somethin else goin on? It ran perfect the rest of the way home.... :beg:
apple ive had that happen .....crap in the gas ....10 percent alcohol or crap is in the gas to begin with thats why i run the atf as much as i can ....drain that gas tank if you think its got some crap in it .....

sure is a nice feeling when they straiten up on there own :rocks: :mrgreen:
Mine has done that before. Once it even completely died, while coasting to the side of the road it cranked, cranked, cranked then fired up with a POP out the exhaust and has never done that since.

Most likely some snot from the gas I 'spect.
Take it for a ride down to the local bike shop and make sure it sees you looking at the new bikes, that will solve the problem. I used to do that every time my old pick-up acted up and it worked. Better the a tune-up. :smilie_happy:
:cool!: The ole Wing can be like a woman sometimes, ya just gotta give her a gentle stroken once in a while. :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
if yurs is anything like mine, she just wanted some throttle.
strange but my 83 likes to haul 2 and run 70.
but gets kantancerous if I putt around on her.
once she is warm, she would rather RUNN.

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