Ansimp's '81 Resurrection

Classic Goldwings

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Day 8...

I took a few days off while family was visiting from Minnesota. They sure love the SoCal weather!

I almost felt like it was Christmas, with all the goodies arriving in the mail - and it's not even my bike! New brake pads, a rear master cylinder kit, a very clean gas tank, a complete front brake system and a wiring harness have all arrived, so there's plenty to do!

After soaking the rear master cylinder for 3 days in Evapo-Rust, the snap ring came right out, followd by the piston, cup and spring. It still needs more cleaning to get the bore perfect, but it's lookin' good so far...

Installed the front system...

Then, I took a peek inside the gas tank, and was very pleasantly surprised...

I cleaned up the shelter a little bit, and I really like the color.

This is what rat urine will do to painted metal...

Yes, the black spots are holes. I think I have another shroud - somewhere...

The progress continues! A battery and tires will arrive soon. In the meantime, I'll clean up the radiator and open and inspect the fan motor, replace the timing belts, clean and install the gas tank, rebuild, install and bleed the rear master cylinder and caliper, and replace the wiring harness. I'm not too far from riding the Rat's Nest around the block to check out the clutch and tranny. Should be fun!
:wave: :builder:
Once again Steve you are making great progress. Alex's tank looks as good as his carbies sound. :good: :good: :good:
Don't deal with these people!!
Cycle Parts Nation Aftermarket
M&M Motorsports

Worst transaction ever for me. I ordered my tires and was pleasantly surprised with the great prices. Until I then received another seperate invoice for freight which no longer made their prices a good deal. After much wasted emailing about never having had this sort of dodgy ( shoddy, half baked, unprofessional) behaviour from an online merchant ( including plenty of Chinese ones) I cancelled my order. :rant: :rant: :rant:

Two days later I have now ordered my Shinko 230s through American Motorcycle Tires who when they say free shipping they actual mean it. :good:

Cycle Parts Nation and M&M Motorsports are one in the same
Haven't heard from them on the tires I ordered ansimp, sorry you had the problems on your order. I'll post how my order turns out with them. My receipt shows 134.49 for the tires and $0.00 for shipping. Guess I'll find out shortly
Mike hopefully your transaction is okay.
As described on the web site, items determined to be oversized or overweight, in this case both, shipping will be calculated and requested. The site specifically says all orders over $99 ship for free, with restrictions. All order below $99 ship for $7 assuming the order is shipped domestically. If you do not wish to proceed, I understand, but it is not in our best interest to process an order, by the way your friend got lucky and slipped through the cracks, and lose money. If we did that all the time when we needed to charge shipping for an order that had an enormous discount on the product and actually lost money on the order, we would go bankrupt. If you have further questions please take a look at our terms and conditions page here, https://www.aftermarketcyclepartsnation. ... itions.htm

At this time your options still stand as previously stated. Please let me know which way you would like to go.

I saved my quote on the weekend and when I looked at their site again on Monday all their prices had gone up heaps so I was able to do the transaction with the original quote. I am really annoyed because I ordered Ride-On sealant and balancer from them as well which I was really looking forward to trying. I am also peeved that with all their web presence that they don't have a feature where the additional freight charge is automatic in the quote or invoice.
Ansimp said:
Mike hopefully your transaction is okay.

"by the way your friend got lucky and slipped through the cracks"

That was a copy of one of the emails received by me from Frank Clark

Lets hope you are the "lucky one" :good:
Yep that's not good business practice for sure, and to me the tires don't qualify as being oversized or overweight. Like I said , I have it in black and white on the order and my receipt."Free UPS GROUND SHIPPING" and I used PAYPAL so I intend to hold their feet to the fire. I don't deal with false advertising. It won't bother PAYPAL one bit to get my money back. The sad part is I went thru Western power sports, the national distributor of Shinko in the US, who sent it thru the two companies you listed, cycleparts and M&M. What a deal.
Thanks Ansimp. Wish it had of worked out for you. I went back on their site those tires are now 206 dollars for the pair. I know of at least four more places that sell them for around 150 dollars. Looks like they trying to make up for their screw up. :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
Day 9...

Hopefully, the tire situation is straightened out. I feel for Tony - he's in Australia and buying parts for a bike he's never personally seen, having them shipped to an address he's never visited, to be installed by a person he's never met! I really appreciate the faith he's put in me to do this resurrection, and it's been a pleasure so far...well, except for the rat secretions! Even that wasn't too bad.

Anyway, I installed the replacement wiring harness, and every connection looks excellent! The Vetter fairing harness was spliced into the original bike harness, so that'll take some careful wiring.

After letting the gas tank sit full of Evapo-Rust overnight, it looked like new inside, so I installed it in the bike with a new fuel filter. The fuel sender checks out good.

The rear master cylinder has been rebuilt...

And the timing belts have been replaced.

Still so much to do...
Boy Steve that Evapo-Rust sure worked wonders on the tank and rear master cylinder, they both look like brand new. You must be getting excited about taking the "Rats Nest" for a ride around the block, I know that I am!!

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