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I have spark on both sides now. I swithched the ignitors and i tested the spark on 2-3 and it was good and strong so i checked to see if the problem went to 1-4 and it had good strong spark also, I figure i had a bad or corroded conection. Any way its working. Drained the old fuel from the tank and i have some moderate rust in the tank, so i need to get some Evaporust and flush out the tank. Then i can see if this old wing is goning to run.
I also ordered the new timing belts last night. No clue how old the ones on it are and after sitting 13 years wouldnt trust them anyway
Put a temporary fuel tank on the wing today and primed the carbs with fresh fuel turned it over a few times and for the first time in 13 years she fired up and ran on 3 cylinders :BigGrin: Still have to flush out the coolent system. Hoping the fresh fuel will work its way into the carb and get some fuel in there, at any rate the carbs will need pulled and at least make sure the jets are clean. So far so good :good:
I just hope my luck holds out when I get to work on the V65 Magna, I've never ridden one before, I'm really looking forward to the first ride.
Filled the tank with Metal Rescue let it sit for 6 or so hours then flushed out with a hose for about an hour. Looks pretty good, now to get it good and dry inside. When I put gas in it I'll put in some gas dry as extra measure. Its running on all four cylinders and sounds real good. the #3 carb had the needle valve stuck shut and was not letting any fuel in, a couple taps with the handle of a screwdriver and it stared to flow. I have a coolent tube leaking at the oring on the left side, easy fix there. Let her run for awhile to check the fan, It came on and ran till it cooled it down so all good there. Just have to change the timing belts when they arrive, clean it all up and deliver her to the owner.
Replaced all the o-rings in the coolent cross over tubes, 2 were only half rings, looked as though they were worn off somhow :headscratch:, \so no more leaks. Put some gas dry into the tank and filled it up, all good there and still running smooth. Just waiting on the timing belts.
That was relatively painless. Have you taken it for a ride to see if everything works? Gears rear etc.
Once i have the belts installed i will clean everything up and reinstall all the fairings and saddlebags, then deliver to the owner. Then i can get to work on my Magna.
Belts installed on the wing all buttoned up and ready for delivery. Ill get some pics soon. Worked on the Magna a little today, rear brake was stuck like the wings, unfortunately when I went to flush out the rear line the master cylinder decided to stay in, so it needs to come off and get rebuilt. I put my remote fuel cell on the magna to see if I could get it to fire, left the carb drains open to flush out any old fuel closed them up and started cranking her over. It took a few cranks but I got her to hit a couple times. A few more cranks and she came alive, runs rough and wont idle so the carbs will need to come off. At least I know she is viable and will run. :good:

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