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Classic Goldwings

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They have not found the lids or the aircleaner box yet. other than that shes ready to go took it up the road has good power and brakes.
Yes i 100% agree that it needs the airbox to run 100% the owners late Father had it apart in his garage and he not been able to locate these last couple items. This man didnt throw anything away, we know there in that garage somewhere
Just talked with the owner he is delighted with the outcome of his wing, he has all intentions of riding this bike for many years to come. He is not the forum type though. I did let him know about CGW and that his bike is posted on here. As for the Magna I'm Waiting on carb and brake rebuild kits, I will put the carb bodies in the ultrasonic cleaner at work on Monday.
The 82 wing is back with some issues, 1 #3 carb has lost fuel flow. 2 left front caliber is lightly hanging up making disk warm and creating head wooble. Ive already remedied the fuel issue, seems the needle was stuck in the seat a little polishing of the seat and all is good. I have to look into the brakes this evening.
At what point do the problems on the wing become his problem? If this deal includes lifetime maintenance it's not sounding too good to me. Caliper may be stuck on the "cross pins" not sure the proper name. The bolts or pins that let the whole caliper move a little side to side to center the disc.
Considering all he did was ride it home, about 3 miles and then went to go for ride yesterday and had no power I feel it's my responsibility to make it right. I found the caliber problem when I test rode it to see lack of power for myself. Also considering that he is my landlord and a friend.
Ok checked the front brakes last evening and on the left caliber the pins that the pads hang on had some light rust making the pads hang up and drag on the disk, all cleaned up and working smooth. The wife and i took it for a 20 mile ride (she loved the wing, i might have to look for one for us) everything worked as it should, no issues. I will take it to work tommorow just to put some miles on it before giving it back to the owner.

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