Boy are the neighbors busy!

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
brianinpa » Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:30 am[/url]":321zciem]
Have you fertilised your yard lately? Some juicy cow **** should work nicely...
Still looking for a farmer with a little extra to spread. Preferably a day or two before a good rain to freshen it up. :BigGrin:
The old guy next door died, wife went back to Japan, and the kid now owns the house. He rents out rooms for income. Years ago he started a band. Several players have come and gone over the years, but it's been continuous band practice in his garage every cotton picking night, weekends included. Sounds like it's right in my living room. I have to wear headphones to hear T.V. This **** normally starts about 3 pm and religiously shuts down at 9 pm. I was a roady for 2 different bands while in high school, so I made a friendly suggestion to insulate with the garage with cardboard, egg cartons, mattresses, etc. The noise reduction was substantial. About 3 months go by, and they crank the volume up. Noticed a couple new players.

Much like living next to the train tracks, we just learn to live with it.

One day I was sitting out on our patio when the music stopped for a five minute break. I could hear someone on the other side of the fence....sounded like he went around back of the garage to piss. Piss was done, but I could sense he was still there. He left when my dog got spooked. Then I could hear him telling the other guys something, and soon there was about 4-5 guys peeking through the cracks in the fence.
- For the past couple years I have been managing pain with cannabis. The only way I can afford to do this is if I grow my own. -
It was obvious what all the interest and snickering was about. So after a few days of this behavior, I figured to head trouble off at the pass. I put about 2 ounces in a sandwich baggie, waited for a break in the music, and walked next door and gave it to them while they were looking through the fence. Told them I have plenty, if they ever need anymore to just let me know. Everything is back to normal and I never had another problem from that side of the fence. We just learn to let the music stop at 9 pm. I love getting along with my neighbors. So much easier that way.
Getting along with my neighbors was never a problem until I bought the house from my brothers after my parents died. I put the roof on the house and garage next door. I watched and fed his dogs and pigeons while he was on vacation. Borrowed and loaned tools back and forth. I even kept a path clear for them to cross back and forth. Then they stopped even saying hi. And started bitching to the township cops. Like spoiled kids running to mama when they don't get their way. I prefer to get along but if not? Well I'll just have fun pissing them off.

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