Boy are the neighbors busy!

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
slabghost » Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:53 pm[/url]":32e074be]
Hotdog exhaust? It runs very quiet which I like.
That won't annoy the neighbours... :music:
The mowing deck is here now. Started raining right after it arrived last night and it was still raining this am. Sky cleared and I managed to find a new drive belt for it and the pins to install it. Had to go back out for chain to hold up the front. Got the outside blade bearings greased and was trying to get to the center blade grease fitting when it began to rain again. I hope tomorrow will be dry and I can get the deck finished and fitted. I want to get it painted too but that may wait until the first run is done.
Finally got the deck fitted and the grass cut with my new to me mighty Kubota. No one had the belt I needed so I'm at minimum adjustment everywhere with a very tight belt. 196" is fitted. Should be a 213" belt on it.
Nice tractor...nice looking lawn you are mowing too. That is your lawn, right? Or did you borrow that to train the tractor on. Maybe you could fit a fogger to the exhaust, just to keep the mosquitos at bay :smilie_happy:
The saga aka feud continues. Last visit from the town clown he claimed I've done nothing. Haven't even cut my grass which was cut late the night before and I caught him in my driveway trying to sneak out. I tried to get a loan from my bank but credit rating isn't max so no go. I don't buy on credit. So to finance a fence to keep everyone out and our critters in I've created a gofundme account. Once the fence is up I plan to convert my back yard int a sort of micro farm. Check it out. You have no obligations at all.
I would hate having problems with a neighbor. It's not like you can just move, or run them off. Only problem I've had is a yapping dog. I have a very nice back yard with a pool and great landscaping; and I love sitting out there. But there was a dog that had an energizer bunny barking. Had enough and I went over there and talked to them and they have since kept the dog inside. I hear it from time to time, but they now yell at the guy and he stops. He needs to be outside sometimes, but they also need discipline.

If I had a neighbor coming on my property I'd call the cops. Neighbors need discipline too.
Cops are busy harassing me because of the neighbors complaints. That town clown shows up again I'm planning to call the sheriff.

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