Well-known member
I'm sure you know of him, I will ask him to. Good idea, his choice for sure.dan filipi":2dao4nqb said:Better yet, have Neoracer come over here and share his knowledge.
I'm sure you know of him, I will ask him to. Good idea, his choice for sure.dan filipi":2dao4nqb said:Better yet, have Neoracer come over here and share his knowledge.
dan filipi":360ggs1u said:I've had very good experiences with
You can even call them and talk to an English speaking person.
AApple":228vfemt said:dan filipi":228vfemt said:I've had very good experiences with
You can even call them and talk to an English speaking person.
They ain't got squat for it anymore....GL1100 don't even come up in the search. Only gaskets I found were for the baby Hondas...650s and such.... :smilie_happy:
Now the poor boy conversion starts looking pretty good. $477 isn't pocket change to me.AApple":3rp0i4ht said::shock: :shock: :shock: HOLY MOLY!!!!
Mother Honda(local dealer) wants $327 for a stator!!! Plus $150 & change for the gasket set(that has been dis-continued?)....yeeeeesh....this is gunna be a hard sell to Mama! Then again....I'll spend that much on fuel in a month of drivin da Cad to/from werk....hhhmmmm...$120 a WEEK for fuel x 4 = $480....what to do....what to do... :roll:
MrGeo":3sfsunad said:See my earlier post, check stator wires the three yellow that plug right by front of battery for amps with the wires unplugged, and engine running, man don't go tearing things apart until you are sure it is the stator failure, burnt and bad connections seem to be a early GW problem from what I am told. Take time to check all possible wiring problems
:hi: Understood, sad thing. IF ya want, put a car or marine deep cycle battery in each bag and charge them at night, to go to work and back. Just if ya want to run it. Just a jerry rig thought. :music3:AApple":bkzfyx4b said:MrGeo":bkzfyx4b said:See my earlier post, check stator wires the three yellow that plug right by front of battery for amps with the wires unplugged, and engine running, man don't go tearing things apart until you are sure it is the stator failure, burnt and bad connections seem to be a early GW problem from what I am told. Take time to check all possible wiring problems
I've done all of the normal checks for determining if the stator is good or not, with the exception of the test Cyborg posted yesterday. My stator appears to be shorted internally, since I am getting a resistance reading from all/each of the yaller wires to ground.
Truth be told, I don't mind spending the $$$, if it keeps me from having to do this again anytime soon. From what I have been reading, the aftermarket stators are a crap shoot...might get a
good one, might not. Of course, a new one could be crap, too, but far less likely, imo.
I would love to do the po boy conversion, and be done with it. I have the fabrication skills to make the brackets and such, but what I don't have is my welder...someone else decided they needed it more than I did, and they stole it, along with about $100,000 worth of other tools from my storage building a few years ago. I also run short on patience when doing stuff like that....I'd prolly wind up sellin the dang bike and buying anudder one before I ever finished the project! :smilie_happy:
amazingly enough, Mama axed me if I needed to buy anudder bike when I toll her it wuz broke... :lust:
:hi: :laptop: Blessings, hope ya find it to be something more simple. GEO :music3: :music3:AApple":1tjp0mhn said:I've considered putting my booster box in the bag and riding, but....that's just too Billy Bob, even for me! :smilie_happy:
I'll do a couple of more suggested checks before I start ordering stuff, just to be 100% certain. Trust me, this(pulling the engine) is NOT something I wanna do...but I will, if that's what will get me back ridin asap. :moped:
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: U R jus to kind. :hihihi: :whistling: :music3:cyborg":1y0trxut said:if push comes to shove, i have a good used one i'll sell you for $50 plus shipping