im in great pain and can hardly move whole nervous system is shorting though my entire backbone and causing no chance of moving around or walking ....its times like this that make me thankful for the good times i get ...... :mrgreen:
sorry to hear that joe, get well soon... are you well yet :grin: i have a pinched nerve and this is the time of year it usually acts up and the weather going from as cold in the morning to as warm as it gets in the afternoon doesn't help. i end up a lot like you are now but heat and muscle relaxers seems to help
thanks all .....i dont know how to discribe how bad it can be when the nervous system swells up .....people in my possistion have no problem beleaving in spontainious combustion of the body ifeel like i could melt down any second.....i might need some help getting up to my feet for the next round but im not throwing in the towel..... :mrgreen: im well condition for this battle twenty yrs and counting
Hey Joe, Sorry to hear you are down. I hope you start feeling better soon. I know you are needed. I sit and read your post, you always have a good word of encouragement for everyone. Your a good man.
:hi: :hi: sit tight Joe let nature (GOD) heal you. Nothing is more importent now then getting back to par... we are all Praying for a fast recovery Bob arty: arty: :yahoo: :yahoo:
thanks bob and gary ....its pretty today looking out the window .....ihavnt been outside for two days ..ithink im going to walk around the house somtime today to see if i can handle the incline .....i close my eyes and see myself 500ft off the ground walking 4" and 8" beams and putting things together knowing it was me and how fearless i was and still am ......there have been times id rather have faced a gun on ground level as opposed to jumping 4' to the next beam 500' off the ground and jump i did over and over ......i have watch men melt to nothing in fear and have personaly saved people who have cramped up totaly in fear most of them were engineers osha inspectors and three peicers and some workers after an unplaned not belittling these people ....fear is the hardest battle in life that i know of .....being up in sky with nothing but a footprint to stand on brings it to a moment of now when my body wont send the signals to my limbs makes my reality like the fear that ive seen totaly take away all normal functoin this reality is and always has been humbling but im a fighter .....nobody is going to tell me that im scaired of heights or that im not going to live my life to the fullest as i see fit till they are throwing dirt on my not needed body anymore.....
gary where in ohio are you there are lots of members in ohio and indiana we will all have to meet .....thanks everybody im starting to be able to move some already
Hey Joe, I am one of those that melts at the top of the building. My Dad was a construction Superintendant and we use to visit the jobsites as the buildings went up. We went to the top of a 17 story building to take a ride in the sky crane and I melted BIG TIME!!! Can't do it!!!
Strange thing is, I can climb the mast on a ship and not think twice about it, but on top of buildings?? Just can't do it.
Boy that fear factor is a strange thing.
I've had it come on near the edge of buildings just 3-4 stories high and in man lifts above 25 feet or so. Strange feeling.
Ohhhhh man Joe , Sooooo sorry to hear this..... I know a little about Back Problems.... I have had 4 major back surgerys myself.... I got a rod on eachside on my lower back......they removed 3 disks in a row , and put the cages in there , so they would all grow together ...with the plates and screws..... just take it easy my friend..... I know back surgery sounds bad. but sometimes we have to do what we have to do. your in our prayers my friend.
I wish you a speedy recovery. I myself had never encountered back pain until last year. It was painful no matter whether standing, sitting or lying in bed. I don't even remember what I did that caused it. I just woke up in pain one morning. When I went to put my feet on the floor to stand up it got worse. I had to drag a chair closer to the bed to have something to hang on to just to rise to my feet to go to the toilet. When I got to the toilet I became nauseated and threw up from the pain. I got into the shower and ran the hottest water I could stand on my lower back. Got dressed and drove to the doctor's office. He x-rayed me and saw nothing wrong and prescribed muscle relaxers and some kind of pain meds. The pain meds made me sick and so I laid around the house taking muscle relaxers and Aleve for about a month. I was going crazy just sitting, lying around and not working on anything. As I felt lessor and lessor pain I started trying to work around the house. While painful it was bearable. It took another 6 months before I was out of the woods. Never, ever want to go through that again. I used to consider myself strong as a bull. Now I don't even try to pick up heavy stuff anymore and give careful thought about everything I do to insure that I don't have to go through that damn pain again. Back pain is the worst and most debilitating thing I've ever faced in my life.