OK, here's the deal.
I cannot tell a lie. I never really got this setup "dialed in". And I'm pretty sure that even if I did, I don't think I'd have been happy with it.
A lot of people have been successful in doing this. I may be perhaps somewhat less skilled than some and I definitely ran out of patience. Funding can start to add up quickly if you continue to buy carburetor bits to experiment with different combinations. That's where an A/F sensor would become so valuable. I don't have one. Didn't feel like springing for one.
The bike "was" completely rideable, I just would never have been happy with the sub-optimal ground manners and some of the other things I note below. Expensive lesson.
So, I guess it depends on what you consider dialed in - I was not happy with it. I never got the bog cured on sharp stab of the throttle. Rolling on easy was no problem - but I like to stab a lot. I experimented with alternate slow jets and mains. I tried just about every accelerator pump stroke setting and I had the exhaust valve (pump by-pass) zero'd out. I really needed an A/F gauge to get any further.
Fuel economy tanked with them - 28 to 30 MPG vs. 40-42. The bike smelled like my old hot rod El Camino (gassy) with open stacks. I really didn't want to cut shelter covers to compensate for clearance issues.
...and I have been distracted a bit by another woman...the CBX.
I might take another stab at it this fall. Or I might sell the setup. It's truly turn-key now. Except for the slight bog.
Not defeated, humbled, and I commend those with the patience and/or luck to get the correct combo with no fuss and bother. I agree with Joe. It may not be so much a fueling situation as it is an airflow situation. Small displacement/vacuum characteristics could probably benefit from even smaller venturis - although folks say the 28's are the ones to use. I'm not so sure. And I dang sure wasn't going to splash another $100 to find out.
By the way, it sure runs sweet with the old rack back on.
Expensive lesson.
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