Fresh heads, old motor. What would YOU do? Help me decide

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Should I install the heads or wait

  • Install now

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Save them for fresh motor

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Forget the whole mess and go for a ride

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

dan filipi

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Van Nuys Ca.
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The rebuilder will have the heads done in next couple of days.
New springs, all new guides and seals, valves lapped.

I had originally planned to put these heads on my runner with the knock to see if the knock has changed, hopefully gone bye bye.
Well I know this engine pops out of 4th sometimes under load, has low oil pressure, and a loose primary chain so I've been planning to open up the parts engine to check the condition of it for a full rebuild.

Should I install these heads on the runner and waste 2 head gaskets ($50) simply for a test to see if the knock has changed or hang on to them for the full rebuild?

50 bucks is 50 bucks but if wasting them is what we need to do to eliminate possible causes of this knock then..........

Decisions, decisions
Go for a ride and save them for the rebuild. From the description of bell ringing knock. I'm betting the cure for yours at least will be fresh properly sized pistons.

On the other hand you could try reusing old head gaskets just to see but then you'd probably lose your runner after the test or waste another set of gaskets. Probably best to get as far as you can with the rebuild before sidelining your runner.
I say....we who want to know make a donation to help Dan with the cost of head gaskets and so that he can try them on the knocking engine. Then we can either rule out the top end as being the cause of the knocking (worn springs potentially causing valve float, worn down valves, etc...). It the knock is still there after the heads are replaced, then we will know that it is further inside the engine.

My donation is on the way!! :Egyptian: :Egyptian: :Egyptian: :clapping:
The heads are done and on my dining table!

After seeing how perty they are and reading what Gerry said I'm going to put them on the runner.
After all that WAS the plan. I almost lost sight of what started this rebuild in the first place.

(Thank you for the donation, Gerry!)

Update on the head rebuild cost , it was a little more but it's a good thing.
Rebuild cost Here
Yeah my wife is pretty tolerant of me.

I just got back from picking up 4 exhaust gaskets from the Honda dealer.
Before I left I said "I'll be back", she said Love you, I said the same.

When I got back she looked at the bag and said, You got 'em? I said "yep"
She said "these are called?" I told her exhaust gaskets. She said "Oh, good"

She knows when something doesn't go smooth I get in a bad mood, smart lady.
dan filipi":1ochi7fl said:
Yeah my wife is pretty tolerant of me.

I just got back from picking up 4 exhaust gaskets from the Honda dealer.
Before I left I said "I'll be back", she said Love you, I said the same.

When I got back she looked at the bag and said, You got 'em? I said "yep"
She said "these are called?" I told her exhaust gaskets. She said "Oh, good"

She knows when something doesn't go smooth I get in a bad mood, smart lady.

My dear wife put up with motorcycle parts scattered throughout our first apartment. She was great! Now they are all confined to my shop and barn.

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