Harbor Freight Teardrop

Classic Goldwings

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Made a little more progress on model kit project, :builder:

Sides are ready to be glued on,
Bottom laminations are begun,
bottom spacer strips are glued on;

Tomorrow should show some real assembly with glue and glass.


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Looks like a trailer again, basic assembly completed. Now I'm on to the skin. The first layer of fiberglass is on the inside. This epoxy takes 24 hours for the initial cure, and 48 hours for final hardness. So I'm playing the "hurry up and wait" game.


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Ok...the top is glued on. How on Earth did I get so much glue in my hair? With a row of nails along each edge, I just have to wait for the epoxy to cure before trimming the edges.
Dan, the edges will be wrapped in glass extending about an inch over each side from the top. The top will be sheathed in a layer of 6oz. glass cloth. The downside will be that I have to radius the edge about a 1/4" which will expose the inner layers of the plywood. I'll decide how to cover the ugly truth at a later date. Maybe a strip off paint.


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More progress... Top is glued on and the first coat of epoxy applied to the glass. I decided a 1/4" radius on the edge wouldn't be too bad and only a little of the inner veneers show. The glass wrapped around the edge with only a little fiddling and dart cutting. After sanding and a second coat, the glass cloth should almost disappear.
I weighed the partial box again and we're up to 30 lbs. Not too bad, tailgate and hatch cover to go.
I tried it on the trailer frame and put the included fenders on top of the tire to see how it looks. I think I should look around for some different fenders. I wanted to make little wheel pants like a small plane, but I'm just outa time. Anybody got a suggestion for light, good looking fenders?


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