Hello from Dairyland

Classic Goldwings

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Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Lake Geneva Wi
Hi Everybody, I'm here mostly as an observer looking to learn about Goldwings. My Dad has two of them, a 1980 GL1100 & a 84 GL1200. He's in his 90's now and although still very active & healthy, he no longer rides. :good: He's well aware that I love riding as I've been hopping on the back of friends bikes every chance I got since I was MUCH much younger :ahem: :moped: Even took the riding class and got my license but haven't gone solo since the class. Kinda like the freedom of enjoying the ride without the responsibility. That and NOT actually having a bike of my own to get comfortable with has stopped me. Well all that will change as Dad told me he's passing them on to me and I can have them as soon as I want. I WANT! Finally a bike, but can I ride them, or one at least? I'm not very big, I like to say 5feet :eek:k: I'm wondering if I'm tall enough? I've heard some things are adjustable or can be modified to make that possible? Is that true? Or maybe I'd be better off selling them somewhere down the line and getting something that fits me? Anyway, I'll be on here often, but mostly as an observer trying to learn all I can about my two new soon to be acquired prized possessions.
Obviously I'm rarely at a loss for words, so ill thank you all in advance for having me :hi:
Welcome to the best classic Goldwings forum.


Greetings from the Sunshine State.

Live long and prosper. God bless you.
Welcome to the fun and yes there are things that can be done to make the bikes fit you. Be prepared to learn a lot about these bikes.
I n flats country I see no problem ...its on iclines that things can get rough ...maybe your friend can ride with you to help get hang and th extra weight to build your reflexs up to ...and if it gose bad he can be there to help hold it up ...id go to empty parking lot and practice a lot ...its very rewarding once done .....
Welcome to the forums DaddysGirl.

Your determination to ride will decide if it's ok for you.

Start a new post in the General forum an we'll discuss what can be done to lower the bike to suit you better.
Thanks for the welcome everyone. Right now the TIPS of my toes just barely touch the ground , but the determination....well that I've got! :party:
I wonder if High Heel Boots would help?

Functional and classy!!!

I would be very careful stopping anywhere there is a side hill. Seems easy enough to put your foot down on the high side, but the bike tends to want to lean down the hill, and even long legged riders have been known to dump a bike that way.
The most drastic loss of height can be achieved at the seat. Modifying the original seat or fitting a single seat can reduce over all height by 3-4".
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=86556#p86556:186czrkd said:
slabghost » Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:33 pm[/url]":186czrkd]The most drastic loss of height can be achieved at the seat. Modifying the original seat or fitting a single seat can reduce over all height by 3-4".
This together with raising the forks is what I'm thinkin to do. Maybe together would be enough lower.
I personally resist lowering shocks and forks for several reasons. Lowering one or the other affects rake and handling. Also makes use of the center stand nearly impossible. Finally reducing ground clearance reduces the amount you can lean into corners before something scrapes. For these reasons I wouldn't reduce ground clearance more than 1 inch.

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