[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=86625#p86625:dnzznr52 said:
DaddysGirl » Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:24 am[/url]":dnzznr52]Wow, you guys are great! The high heels I have, boots and otherwise, however probably not the best solution. :ahem: As far as the training wheels, can't say I like that idea anymore than I like the trike. Kinda feels like saying I "can't handle a real bike (cuz I'm a girl)"& I'm not ready to do that. Not that I'm judging any other trike riders out there, just doesn't feel right for me if I'm capable of riding a real, probably wrong word choice, bike. Never liked being told I couldn't do something, just makes me more determined! Not sure if that's an attribute or just hardheaded stubbornness. And tho I'm all girl, I don't want to be "girly girl". Not sure if you guys can understand where I'm coming from. Soooo, other than the 2x4's on my shoes, I can handle a nail gun...and a chainsaw....I'll stay here and just keep learning, AND being entertained. :smilie_happy: In the past I have looked at some of those "just my size bikes" the Rebel? Funny, that's how I was described back in high school. Maybe that's my destiny?!? Thanks for all the help and input guys. I'll keep you posted. :hi: