How to fix this

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Feb 14, 2012
Reaction score
Marengo, Ohio
Left the bike outside last night. The dew made my clear coat raise.
Any suggestions on how to fix?


  • DSC02245.JPG
    148 KB · Views: 134
I would remove the gas cap cover soonest, remove the affected area so it doesn't get any bigger. Want to keep the affected area from getting any bigger or you will be into pinstripe replacement. A second option is if you can get new pinstripe, strip the entire cover and redo from scratch.
The bubble will move when pushed. It returns to the way it wants in a minute or two.

I still have some pinstripe left so I may have to redo it all.
I was hoping for not so much work to fix it.
If you have the pinstripe I would do the whole gas cap cover. Remove the pinstripe then sand until smooth, don't have to go to bare metal if the existing paint is good. May have to do a bit more sanding in the affected area. Prime with an epoxy primer, let sit overnight just to cure and setup well. Wet sand, then do colour coat. Let sit for a few days to cure and harden, pinstripe, wet sand with 1000 grit then 2/3 coats of clear. If the clear/paint lifted then the adhesion let go and air got in underneath. No quick fix with this. Good project for the cold months - I'd wait until then. I'm still learning about this paint issue myself.

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