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Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Duncanville, Texas
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1981 GL1100 Innerstate("The Turd")SOLD!!, 1996 GL1500 Innerstate
having self freedom is freedom ...if youer opinion bleeds over to others this is not freedom ...i like all freedoms really ...freedom of speech ..freedom to be armed...dont tread on me i will not tread on you
At this point in time, if you can't see what has been going on, will have to pray for you to realize what is at stake for all of us. WWG1WGA
yes the taking of rights from the people is making America look like a comy hell hole of a country ..the election seems to rigged and cheating everywhere ..if freedom looses it time to fight cause America has turn into eveything and worse that people left Europe to begin with a ruling class and the slaves ..nobles and serfs ...choosen and the unchoosen ...or what ever title you want to give it alll through history same game ...America full of rebels and it wont stand for cheated election and guilty choosen one never being charge with there murdering crimes to humanity ..in my opinion
I've looked at things the same way for a long time Joe, and Royalty/Serfdom is always the analogy I use. Things haven't changed one single bit. Well... we do have cheap beer and CGW so I guess things aren't that bad. :?

[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=207030#p207030:3v1g5ixl said:
Omega Man » 45 minutes ago[/url]":3v1g5ixl]
I've looked at things the same way for a long time Joe, and Royalty/Serfdom is always the analogy I use. Things haven't changed one single bit. Well... we do have cheap beer and CGW so I guess things aren't that bad. :?

Don’t forget about tequila gold.
Been known in this part of the world as (THE LAND OF FRUITS AND NUTS) for some time now.

The same type of leaders are in N Y city, telling us how we need to think.

Getting closer to this same horseshit here, every day, it seems.

Or we have to be some sort of idiot, just TOO DUMB, & BLIND the see the GREATER GOOD.

It is their civic duty, to drag you kicking, & screaming, till you see the wisdom of their way.
wow ..there just is no America when the elections are just a total fraud and dont represent the will of the people ..we have truly lost control of the country completely as the elections are being flip everywhere ..what a complete disgrace this is to the Americas people
Mark Twain just may hit it;

If voting made a difference, they would NEVER given it to us!!!!!!

Hate to think he was right, but unless something serious happens W T F,
yup just horrible events going on ..the entire election should be void and system completely made right ..when that done vote again ..its time to get the scum out of the system ...no room for it in a free country
I'm an election judge and the voter turnout here in Southern Illinois was double the rate anticipated for a mid-term election. The Democratic machine in Chicago bought the election by spending three times the Republican amount. Now we have a multi-billionaire governor who has never held political office; he will dance to the tune played by the Madigan clan in Springfield.

Now we can look for for increased government handouts in MedicAid, SNAP, subsidized housing, and welfare. At least, the Illinois credit rating can't drop any further because it was already the worst of all states. If it wasn't for family here, I would sell out and move to Texas or Florida.

Disgusted? Yes, I am.
well its seems the election was a total fraud ..its amazing how bad a election can be rigged if enough money is spent to do it ...its time for marshall law in my opinion ..no part of government works for the people ..they all work for global nation killer agenda ..DOJ...FBI...CIA...EPA..FDA...CDC...list gose on and on ..and there all infulence by the foreign federal reserve bank ..that control all of this election fraud ..Trump our president should arrest and shut down the federal reserve bank for rigging the election ..not russia ..not china ...time to take these criminals down ..take all there holding and assets in this country ...prosecute to the max ..cage them all and also all the people in government on the take from them .....

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