lighting wiring

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
oscoda, mi
Ok I wand to get rid of that bulky tale light on my gl1100 so I need a wiring schematic. And also I dont have the fairing for the bike so no headlight, well I need one as you can imagine. So I removed the fairing weight and went to go find what I needed for the headlamp but I haave no clue what the hell is goin on with all that wiring behind that weight so I need alittle help with that also. Hopefully maby I can get rid of alot of that mess
Thank you I did find it I didnt realize this site had accessible manuals thanks though
Good luck on the wiring! :clapping:

On the tail light, are you selling it or keeping it?

I am only asking because I made the stupid mistake of taking parts off a parts bike to make a good runner and then tossed the balance of the parts bike away not realizing it still had good parts that I needed later and ended up having to buy again.

If your not going to keep the tail light, at least consider selling it so that you don't suffer from "I can't believe I threw those parts away" remorse syndrome. :oops:
No im not throwing anything away I might need them down the road. Yea im having little trouble w the schematic cause im on a phone and its not entirely clear but ill get it (hopefully)
In the bundle of wires behing the inertia weight, you should find a 3-slotted connector that will plug into the headlight. The wires are blue, green, and black/white. The left turn signal wires are orange, orange/white, and green. The right turn signal wires are light blue, light blue/white, and green. The greens all go together into a single connector. Unless the wiring has been cut up, everything should match by colors. If the fairing harness is still there, unplug and remove it. It will be connected to the turn signal, headlight, and ignition wiring.

There will be 3 wires attached to the ignition switch harness that go into the fairing harness. They are red, green/black, and brown/white. They are not used without the fairing, so you can remove them from the fairing connector and tape them up, or - gasp - cut them and tape 'em up. Just don't let them touch each other or ground!

I hope all this makes sense...!!!
ohh man...thank you i didn't relize you wrote this but ive been trying to figure out the headlight for two days now i read this went out there and figured it out right away you were dead on thank you
do you need a dual filament bulb for the blinkers just trying to figure out what i can use

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