C5Performance » Today, 1:26 am[/url]":1bosx3us]
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=175991#p175991:1bosx3us said:
Denver » Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:48 pm[/url]":1bosx3us]
Seem's i've read that the ignition mod has been done in the past, by someone to 8'000 with amazing improvement's in performance. :read: The trigger wheel makes a nice improvement over stock, :roll: but not NEAR ENOUGH, :sensored: only advances the timing 4 or 6 degree's, depending on which wheel you select. :rant:
We have one GL1500 with a crank mounted C5 but it will never be tested unfortunately. It starts and runs awesome but there will be no tire smoking test runs unfortunately.
I'm determined to have this kit finished by year end, but would still prefer to purchase an engine so I can be there for every step of the installation and testing that follows.
With a precise timing map and a bit of carb work I would expect to see 10-20% increase on the dyno. With six carbs the Valkyrie has the best chance to hit that goal. Just as with the CBX1000, there are huge improvements to be made but airflow and carb tuning are critical (so is fuel choice) and many "tuners" get it wrong.