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May 27, 2015
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Hi guys, My name is Jeff. I just bought a 85 GL1200 Interstate a few days ago. Back in the 80's I had a GL1000. Something kind of strange happened and I'm not sure how to go about figuring it out. Maybe someone can give me some ideas. My radio didn't work when I bought the bike so I was sitting on the bike working on wiring the speakers. Suddenly the front of the bike dropped about 3 inches and felt really mushy. I checked for air pressure at the schraeder valve and there is none. I tried to pump it up a bit but it loses air within 2 seconds. I have no oil leaking from the fork seals. I don't see or hear any air leaking anywhere. I have a set of progressive springs that I wanted to install at some point but I was planning on just doing that from the top without taking the forks off. Any ideas what I have going on? :thanks:
Welcome, not sure the problem, maybe the air hose broke, if it is anything like my 1100 it goes from cap to cap but still kinda strange how it lost air just like that.
That's what I thought. My Schraeder valve is on the triple tree and only on the right side. I think that it has a tube that goes to the other fork to equalize pressure. Kind of a strange thing to happen. I keep thinking fork seals but it would be odd for them to suddenly go bad like that and not leak any oil. Hmm
[url= said:
spunbearing » Wed May 27, 2015 7:35 pm[/url]":2oz73pc9]
That's what I thought. My Schraeder valve is on the triple tree and only on the right side. I think that it has a tube that goes to the other fork to equalize pressure. Kind of a strange thing to happen. I keep thinking fork seals but it would be odd for them to suddenly go bad like that and not leak any oil. Hmm
It occurred to me the later models have compressor, at least the 82-83 had them, I would suspect your does too unless it was an option..Maybe something to do with the compressor lines, or maybe there is an air relief valve you accidentally hit.
I know my 80 model pretty well but not the 1200.
Welcome from S.E. Pa. Don't know about an air compressor. Try adding air, about 10 lbs. and see if it holds. If not, check the "O" rings in the air equalizer collar on each fork.

Thanks Zman. I'm not sure but I think that only the aspencade models had the air compressor. I could be wrong. I was playing with some switches on the right side that weren't marked. I'm pretty sure that they were for the old CB system that was partially removed. Dadster, it won't hold air. It goes flat within 2 seconds. I'll have to check those o-rings. Thanks.
Welcome to the fun. To go all at once like that and just pass the air you put in. There must be a broken line or fitting.
Interstates were produced with a Schraeder valve and no compressor. My vote goes for a broken hose or defective valve. Try the soapy water test on the valve and associated plumbing.

Anyway, welcome from Central Illinois.
Update: I found the problem. Apparently I was dropped on my head too many times as a child. When this situation happened it was almost dark out and I was working with a light and a radio on while sitting on the bike wiring the speakers. I didn't hear anything because of the radio, the bike just suddenly dropped. The bike was sitting upright almost to the point of tipping while on the sidestand so the bike obviously dropped somehow. When I tried to air up the front suspension it didn't seem to hold air, it sounded like air was going in but when I checked with a gauge there was no pressure. So I went out yesterday to move the bike to a better location to start working on it. I couldn't get the bike to roll. I got off the bike to see what the deal was..... get this...... my front wheel was sunk into a gopher hole. That explains the sudden drop. So I tried to air up the suspension again to no avail. I tried a different air chuck and voila problem solved and it's holding air just fine. Wow. And I'm admitting all of this in a public forum. :moped:
[url= said:
spunbearing » Fri May 29, 2015 11:01 am[/url]":3rhxskyy]
...... my front wheel was sunk into a gopher hole.

:smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
Otay...I just spitted food all over my monitor.... :doh: That's the funniest thing I've heard all day! :smilie_happy:

Don't feel bad....take some time and read thru some of the older threads in just about any of the forums, you'll find lottsa stuff that will make you feel better about yerself(especially some of my blunders). Apparently, there were a LOT of us dropped on our haids. :yes: :smilie_happy: Glad it was just something silly. :yes:
That does explain the sudden drop. :smilie_happy: If ever this happens on solid ground at least we have some ideas now.
Welcome to the site from New Jersey! :clapping:

Hmmm....I guess we will have to make a "Tips and Tricks" note.....always check for gopher holes BEFORE working on your radio! :smilie_happy:

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