Still vaping. However my mod died yesterday and I was getting freaked out. PS it's cold here today. Anyway I went to CoastLine Vapor in Stuart told them what was going on. The young guy Matt Gave me a loaner that would work with my tank and said here just use this for now until we get your mod replaced. They could have done a swap right there but it was over 15 days. So now it is getting shipped back to the mfg in Ca. and they will send me a new one. I'm not sure what happened but the owner Was really nice. So now I'm using my old (battery hungry) mod until I get my new one plus I have my E-vod stick too. I was worried about them jerking me around due to what happenede to me at the last vapor shop I went to that was not wanting to replace a 18650 charger. I only go there when I cannot get what I need local or on the road driving. So looks like it will be in Wed, of Thur, of next week.