oldhacks 1100 rebuild

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 8, 2009
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chuluota florida
i got home with the bike last night about 3 Oclock in the morning .....i just left the bike on the trailer and worked on there seemed the perfect place to work on it ....this is what ive found out so far .....tim took a heck of a hit and so did the bike i couldnt beleave some of the stuff that happened ....

bent the front axcle

broke one of the rotors

bent the tripple tree stem ...couldnt hardly beleave that bent it a lot

its very likely bent the frame at the tripple tree not sure yet

things ive done today

replaced front forks and the tripple tree......put it all back together and went for a very short ride.....the broke rotor wobbles bad and bike seems to shimmy it might just be the rotor or the wheel itself may also be bent .....iwould think it would have broke being cast 83 wheel im hoping its not ....anyway i only went a few hundred yards and parked it i was done for the day

things i need to find out .....

this is an 83 interstate and dose not have vented rotors .....will an 80 81 rotor work on this as far as set back from the wheel ...they sure dont look the same as in looks i havnt done any measuring yet....

ok 1100 dresser guys ive got all the stuff brackets and all .....can enybody post some pointers i might need to know as i dont know anything at all about putting it on or where it hooks up anything at all is more than i know at this moment.....

tack works real slow and the bars have risers on them and i think i can reroute the cable to take care of that....

things that are good

motor seems to run well and not much noise at all ....it needs some ATF treatments as i think the carbs are alittle gunked up from sitting since the wreck

the bike is still pretty and damage is not going to be major i dont think i will be glad to get to this point as it will mean ive got the bike riding well

seems oldhack somehow took out the turn signal hardware at the handgrip

worst case outcome

the whole whole bike needs to be put in another frame .....this is highly likely i should know tommarrow ......the good thing is i have one with paper...

thats what i know so far .....im realy going to enjoy this bike and have wanted one for yrs thanks tim so much ...... :mrgreen:
Wow, Joe, that's sure more than the visible damage obvious to me -- but, then, having actually been 'on the scene' and felt the impact, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The triple tree doesn't surprise me so much as your belief that the frame may be shot. I really thought the frame was intact and sound.
Still, sound engine (I noted the 'tickiness' to Joe that's developed since daily running), wheels, tires, tranny, exhaust/mufflers -- sounds like I was right that Joe is the man to appreciate such assets.
Still, your assessment confirms that it was beyond my ability to try to repair. I'd have attempted to just replace the forks and rebuild the front lights to a 'standard' -- and would have had stability problems henceforth!
I'll continue to look forward to your progress.
(By the way -- glad you made it home safely, Joe.)
FIXED GUYS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!! :party: :party: :party: :party: :clapping: :beer: :razz: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :good: :heat: :music: :music: :music: :yes: :mrgreen:

i was able to use the rotors off the 80 parts bike ....the only hitch was i had to use the bolts to that hold the rotors on the 80 wheel as they are shorter the 83 rotors are two piece and the alloy centers were thicker than the solid steel 80 rotors and the bolts were to long .....the 83 rotors are fancy and better looking but the solid steel 80 are probably better as far as strong ....one peice and no rivets anyway the 83 wheel and bike frame turned out just fine .....

now that i know ive got something .... ive got to get seals for the forks ...or maybe use the lowers off the bent forks if they seem good .....who knows they might have proggressive springs in them that will be nice.....im fixing to take them apart after posting ......

after that i just need to figure out the fairing and how it monts and fix the plastic on the fairing and one bag.....

on the down side i notice the thottle hand grip is borken to like the other side .....tim realy tried to keep his saddle ....this proably kep him from going over the top .....he took quite a hit from the windsheild edge that cut him ...these hand grips tell it all ....broken all the way around between monting scews and not hit from th outside at all .....simply hard to beleave .....must of had all kinds of torque put on them from the hangrips .....couldnt even hardly tell they were broke from the outside .....once taken apart it was obvious they broke from the inside out....amazing is all i got to say ..... tim tuff ...he knew he was going to get hit and must have braced himself with everything he had .....he certanly didnt freakout and try to flight the deal ....proably why he made out as well as he did

you guys wouldnt beleave how bad the tripple tree stem was bent and the front axcle too it was hard getting the axcle out period.....

anyway im glad to be at this point the bike is good .....now its just make everything right :mrgreen:
yea charley thats how i notice the throttle deal was broke when it shut off in the run possition and the starter botton was slow disengaging....aqnyway im fighting the weather to get this bike done before rain i have no place to work on it under roof .....right now im trying to figure out the brackets for the fairing and stuff ive got it all but dont have a clue on how it gose .....ive got one peice put on that gose accross the front.....then theres round tube like clamps and i cant figure how they hook up yet ...i was thinking they hook to front cross peice but im not getting anywhere yet with them .....

i wonder if there is any difference in the gas tanks on the 1100s look into that charley im not sure ....i have to pull the tank so idont have side by side to compare .....it was a good day for me and tomorrow isould be able to pull the tank .....
Jeez, Joe -- you're making me sore all over again! :eek:
I pretty much knew what I'd broken that was visible, but I didn't dig much further. And, yeah, you're right, I DID consciously brace myself when the collision was obviously inevitable. I remember thinking (besides a self-cursing awareness that I was about to ruin my bike) that I needed to get out of the slight lean I'd begun turning into and get the bike upright and centered so I didn't lowside underneath the car's front end. I'm pretty sure I largely succeeded, which is why so much of the damage is centered mid-bike, as on the fork. I'm also pretty sure any damage behind the fairing was caused, as you suggest, by me catapulting into it.
Anyway, am really glad to hear that both the frame and front wheel are fine, which had been my admittedly under-educated impression.
Here's a link to a PDF of the fairing installation, with pix:
https://goldwingchrome.com/Manuals/...100 Hondaline Fairing Installation Manual.pdf
Mount for the front fairing should clamp to the frame of the bike. That is all I've removed from mine so far so it's all I know how to mount.
went for a ride today .....the 83 is a lot bigger feel than my 82 standard .....i got the fairing on and there a lot of plastic to fix around mounts from the weck .....i know now how good my 82 motor is .....the 83 seems alright but it revs slow and labors a lot and has poor torque ...like its running on three cylinders and every once in awhile seems to run on all four...the grearing is a lot like the mongruel seems about 3600rpm at 70mph .....

theres also brake problems to work out ....
well the lack of power is diffenitly fromt cylinder on the right hand side ....when i pulled the plug it was very gassy and when i retated plugs it didnt fire then either ..... its almost a total miss when i rode it yesterday i didnt here it come in but a couple times and it lasted only a second or two each time ......and that was only on hard exceleration for a few hits....when they miss so completely like this one could almost never know .....

so here i am in kirk possition chaseing a bad cylinder ......its very possible that the wreck had somthing to do with this ....it was obvious that the plug had been fireing real well and tim or me havent run it that much since the wreck ....so im leaning towards wreck caused right now somehow .....

now that ive got everything together as in fairing mounted and all im going to take it off ....i hate to keep tim reliving the moment but if he would have hit any harder he might of went through the fairing from the inside out ...it cracked all over the place from the inside and the paint is slowly cracking off the outside .....

any way ican start doing all the things kirk was doing to try and figure this interstate out ....it seems the back brake is sticking to ....maybe bad hose or maybe wreck related too
I'm betting your problem is the #1 cylinder (front right), Joe -- though I have no idea what exactly that problem is. In an earlier thread, I believe I recounted my frustration with being unable to get the engine running as well as I'd like, and worrying I'd bought a lemon. Among the problems recounted there (or, perhaps, elsewhere) was that, while idling, the #1 exhaust never fully heated up. I could lay my finger on it unburned well past the time when I dared do that to any of the other three.
Anyway, as I told you Sunday when you picked it up, I'd had it running better than it ever had just before the accident -- and the #1 cylinder had been idling hotter. It had had 3 months of Seafoam, Marvel's Mystery Oil, valve adjustments, plug cleanings/regappings, et al, after it had set a like time after the previous owner parked it. You may be right that something irreparable happened during our 'mishap' but, on the other hand, it's also just been through sitting again for 5 weeks. Although I started it every day or two during its hiatus, it seldom revved over 3,500 during that time, and then only for a few seconds at a time. It got nothing like the daily jaunts and weekly 'tours' of 100-200 miles covering several hours at highway rpms.
Don't give up on that engine too soon.
oh no tim im not giving up theres alot of fight in this dog ....the only thing i give up on is my memory and now that you mention it i remember talk now ......iguess i was somewhat fooled by the fact that the plug look so good .....i do think there is some carb issues for the reason that there is some gas stain on the top of the motor .....iv e put some atf in it but because of the brake sticking issue i havent been able to ride it either so that is the next step ....and yes the exhast is diffinitly not heating up ......its very possible the brake issue is wreck related too ....no telling how much pressure and jaring went on at impact when i know you probably had your foot on the brakes ....ive been amaze so far at the hidden damage to things .....its good to know that ive been reminded about the running problems....

on the good side the bike is tracking well ....and i was able to take my hands off the bars and not even the slightest bobble or wobble in the front end at all ...iwill track down the no.1 missing problem and get it firing with the 83 gearing the motor has to be running perfect to operate without lugging ....

as things go on a deal like this im way ahead of the game ...just a sticking brake keeping me from more riding and testing if it takes a carb job it takes a carb job .....theres no doubt in my eyes that this is a very fine motor with no interal problems at all :mrgreen:
Good luck on the rebuild, Joe. And at least you've got a nice long thread on how to fix that #1 from me! Mine's running a lot better with the new carb body- not fouling or missing. Give it your best shot and if you can't get it let me know I've got an extra #1 (no, not the one I was having the trouble with!)
lately ive rlaxed the brake on the rear of the bike ......and have stayed off of it fearing it will lock up again and have been able to ride the bike down the hiway.....theres no doubt that the 83s are geared tall and have to be running great to handle the gearing .....but on the good side the bike is tracking well and the front fork rehab seems to be doing fine .....i install two of the air valve caps on the forks as i have them and its a great place to put fork oil in with no problem at all.....i also turned the anti drive to the no. 4 possition for maximon stiffniss and i kind of like this it was stable and stout with no nooticeable banging from not giving at all so far as ive only went on one ride last night for about fifthty miles......i did take it out on the interstate and i loved the rpm zone the the bike was in .....when its in good runnig order ican see that it will just rite for traveling and i seems that hiway pegs are going to be perfect for good handling and comfort on interstate....

today im giong to take out the heat sheild and thermostat as it runs hotter than i like for it to ....ive also got to hook up the manual fan switch today ....i hate doing these things as they are a pain in the butt ......but overall this has proved to me that this makes them run cooler and more consistant.....the no. 1 carb is slowly getting better but i think its in to bad of shape to fix itself but im going to give it a pretty good shot at it before i pull them.....

if down the road everything is operating fine and it still lacks some omph.....im going to put the 79 1000 heads on it with the dyna ignition and coils for the added spark and machincal timing advance and adjustmemt to go alone with the 1100 carbs as i think this would be a huge upgrade in power .....and the 79 cams will match the gearing and the 1100 motor being bigger than my 1000 sould produce even more power and torque than my 79 -1000 and it had alot of power ....but iwill only do that if i think the stock set up is lacking ........
Sounds like a good plan. On some of my bikes I've had some success clearing carbs with liberal seafoam in the tank and run up the rpms several times on the road and abruptly chop throttle and coast down to near idle rpm then rev up again. This forces the fuel system to function at the bikes highest vacuum for longer than normal periods. If the blockage is in the low speed jets this can help clear it.
slabghost":28donjze said:
Sounds like a good plan. On some of my bikes I've had some success clearing carbs with liberal seafoam in the tank and run up the rpms several times on the road and abruptly chop throttle and coast down to near idle rpm then rev up again. This forces the fuel system to function at the bikes highest vacuum for longer than normal periods. If the blockage is in the low speed jets this can help clear it.

Worth a try.

I had a mechanic once show me his method of clearing a clogged jet on a car with carburetor.
For idle jet he'd throttle up the rpm's real high, let the throttle back to the stop then completely cover the carb throat with his hand. He'd do this quickly a few times to get as much vacuum as possible on the idle jet.
For primary jets he'd get the rpm's up high but open the throttle once his hand closed off the throat.
joedrum":huonceub said:
...i also turned the anti drive to the no. 4 possition for maximon stiffniss and i kind of like this it was stable and stout with no nooticeable banging...i did take it out on the interstate and i loved the rpm zone the the bike was in .....when its in good runnig order ican see that it will just rite for traveling...
That all sounds pretty familiar, Joe. I toyed with the anti-dive @ #3 for awhile, but eventually went back to #4 because of a slow leak in the front shock's air pressure (mostly I kept them up, but once in a while I'd forget them for 7-10 days, and a hard bump would bottom out the front end suspension).
I always had the impression that this bike would run at 4,000 rpm and 73 mph all day and night.

...today im giong to take out the heat sheild and thermostat as it runs hotter than i like for it to ....ive also got to hook up the manual fan switch today ...
Yeah, that's exactly the problem the previous owner had on his Florida Bike Week trip, which is why he installed the manual switch. Even into July, I only ran the fan a handful of times, as when riding around town in stop-and-go traffic with upper-90s heat -- but the fan seemed effective those times I used it.

...the no. 1 carb is slowly getting better but i think its in to bad of shape to fix itself but im going to give it a pretty good shot at it before i pull them...
Maybe. I never was brave enough to accuse the carb of being the culprit out of lack of experience in such diagnostics, but I DID let the suspicion cross my mind a time or two. Or the coil/plug wires. In fact, I was looking out for the materials I needed to redo the plug wires at the time of my accident, even though it had been running awfully well since my second/last valve adjustment. My own impression was that it was a spark problem over fuel, but nobody has any reason to give particular credit to my impressions.

As my luck would have it, I see now I'd have been much better off just hiring Joe to come and fix the bike back up for me -- if only I could have afforded him ;) :lol:. He's going to take my ruin, and wind up with a better bike than I ever had!
Good for you, Joe.
im still toying with all possible causes on the no.1 cylinder hack......im going to open the vacuum port and squirt some wd40 or starting fluid to see if the cylinder fires then that will tell alot ......but goldwings do have marginal ignition systems that i think cause low mileage and running problems with a small window of running right and an improved ignition system gets a larger range in running good ......

still lots of work left to do .....but so far no money spent just a lot of time ......im going to see my buddy today and see what he thinks about the plastic that has to be repaired or trashed .....

when i went for a ride last night i could tell that the heat issue was way down with thermostat out and the heat shields taken off ......the air simply just cycles faster and leads to just cooler air around the feet so im happy with that as i did not like all the heat being slowed down around the motor with no outlet not my ideal of a good system ......i do this to all my wings .......

theres no doubt that the 83 is a whole lot less nimble than the 82 standard or the 79 1000 even with full dressed it felt lite ......the 83 is feels big and not nimble at all but stable feeling .....definitely not a play toy ...im sure its bigness will wear off once i get use to it....

:builder: :rtfm: :heat: :beer: :builder: :Doh2: :rtfm: :builder: :Awe: :headscratch: :builder: :mrgreen:
well on the dowm side it seems that the final drive has some issues ithink i felt slip twice on upgrades .....cant see it coming from any thing else .....with its tall grearing and its sticky back brakes i can see how it would be going bad ......i bet its realy worn .......so all and all there was quite a bit wrong with this bike even before the wreck as old hack was fustrated with how it was performing ........im going to go after the no1 cylinder not firing issue today .....yesterday i had to redo the wiring in the fairing as the mice had eat it all up where it ran accross the front of the fairing and was finaly able to get the lights and turn signals to work ....that was a pretty big job .....im going to need both handgrip controls also as theres no way its to last like it is now ....so tim im not so sure you didnt do the best thing after the wreck .....if i would have had to come up with all these parts to fix this bike the cost would have been huge ......it still needs front fairing ,hand controls and final drive ,brake pads and hoses and also calipers ,master cylinder rear rebuild ....still alot of work to do .....
got no1 cylinder working went for a fifty mile ride .......running pretty good ....not as good as the 82 but dam close .....ended up being a bad plug cap ......what a stoke of luck that was ......bikes running in the 1/3 zone on the temp gauge and rides nice and is hard to keep below 70mph ......so oldhacks suspission of the ignition was right on .....its so easy to think carbs and im usealy the last one to go for carbs

its going to need the belts changed to .....i look at them when i took the covers off to get rid of the inside cover bolts so it is a snap to take them off now

the final drive will probably need changed too .....but im going to make sure first

this is a releaf i was begining to think i couldnt get any thing done ....considering all that was wrong with this bike it going smoothly and fast ......

some of the stuff that has to be done will be winter projects like the glitter and show stuff and some machanical things imhappy

:party: :rocks: :yahoo: :yes: :builder: :beer: :clapping: :music: :music2: :laptop: :good: :music3: :thanks: :mrgreen:

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