I did put a fuse inline from the battery to the alt.
I did not run a wire for the exciter to the battery---I ran it to the rr plug.
Beav how many wires did you connect to the rr plug?
I do not thik the coils would make everything go dead.
I did put an 80 engine into the 83 frame.I did not change any thing else on the frame. I used the wiring for the 83.
Will keep looking for a bad connection.
If I find the problem I will post it. It is one of those things that I can not make happen. So I will probably never know what I do to hopefully fix it.
I did not run a wire for the exciter to the battery---I ran it to the rr plug.
Beav how many wires did you connect to the rr plug?
I do not thik the coils would make everything go dead.
I did put an 80 engine into the 83 frame.I did not change any thing else on the frame. I used the wiring for the 83.
Will keep looking for a bad connection.
If I find the problem I will post it. It is one of those things that I can not make happen. So I will probably never know what I do to hopefully fix it.