painting with a rattle can

Classic Goldwings

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Active member
Feb 17, 2013
Reaction score
Fairfax, MN
Good morning! I am in the process of painting my gl1000. I have done lots of painting with a rattle can and have been very pleased with the results. I have found that plasti-coat paint works best for me. As long as you take your time and make sure the surface is prepared correctly the results are good!. The problem I run into is that the paint does not harden very quickly. It remains "soft" for several weeks before I can use polishing compound on it. Any suggestions out there on how to harden the paint? Low heat in an oven? Thanks for looking!
on one the old Gold Wing forums, here, NGW or Goldwingdocs, there was a post "Painting the Rattle Can Way" was the title I believe. Lots of relevant info on your issue. Rotsa ruck!
KYWinger":l1df6x2n said:
well, Joel, I ALMOST got it right..... :smilie_happy:

Close enuff for me to search for it! btw...that thread is a sticky in the Paint and Polish forum, so it's right at the top....easy to find, even for me! :smilie_happy:
As Dan said, there's lots of neat stuff here in the various forums. :good:

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