You can get a dingleberry tree(flex hone) at any automotive parts house, if you need one. Prolly cheaper than the one you linked to...and no shipping. :mrgreen:
Get some fine sandpaper(200-400 grit) and wrap around the hone and run that up/down a few passes, instead of using the bare hone stones. It'll still clean up the bore without removing very much of the bore metal. If that doesn't clean the bore up nicely enough to run, then you prolly need another cylinder.
You could also use some Scotchbrite pad(the red works for me), and spin that down in the bore to smooth it up a little, for the final pass.
Just throwing ideas out there.... :mrgreen:
I'mma gonna have to go thru my rear cylinder soon, too....hope mine ain't as hard as your's has turned out to be! :beg: