Found the short after tearing the wire harness apart. Shorted in wiring to the flasher relay. Next question, why is there a negative on the flasher relay circuit? I think I'm just going to go with a electronic flasher and LED bulbs.
That's not entirely true. If you mean that all 2 wire flashers will sense if one bulb burns out then the flash will speed up. I have 2 here that won't do that so I went back to a stock 3 wire flasher that does.[url= said:Ansimp » Today, 2:11 pm[/url]":2tfekyot]
There are just 2 wire and 3 wire flashers as they all sense load unless they are fixed flash rates for leds etc. the Japanese 3 terminal flasher relays usually have an earth as the third pin where the European ones often use the third pin as the warning lamp feed in the dash ( C terminal).
Led flasher units are usually not load sensitive so they will not change their rate if a light is not working.[url= said:OldWrench » Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:57 am[/url]":26qwykce]
Thanks for the input, I'm going to go with a two wire electronic flasher designed for LED lights, how it will react if one bulb burns out, I don't know, will find out. I have a new distribution panel, and relays. Key switch will now only trigger the 30 amp relay. I'm also putting the brake lights and turn signals on separate circuits.
The stator is 20 amps total AC so that is 7 amps per leg or connection. No worries with the FM 3 pin plugs just use new ones,as the originals only failed because the brass terminals became loose causing arcing and heat generation that melted the plugs. Your electronic flasher will run on a lower amp fuse as the 25 amps is a maximum rating of the contacts ( similar with relays)[url= said:OldWrench » Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:19 pm[/url]":8w0rjqat]
The service manual doesn't say anything about amperage potential out of the stator. You must remember if you have a circuit that is say 20 amps, that is 20 amps positive and negative, meaning each circuit will be caring 20 amps. I know I will know once I get the wiring put back together, what a mess this is.
+1 :clapping:[url= said:dan filipi » Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:16 am[/url]":33b1q1yl]
Nice looking schematic. Mine are chicken scratches in comparison.
Following your schematic, did you take the red positive wire from the 30 amp fuse to the relay and to the key switch?[url= said:OldWrench » Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:01 pm[/url]":27z7zr7d]
Here is the schematic I came up with, it isn't perfect but does show the changes I made. It doesn't show the complete wiring because the remainder is stock.
Note the brown wire coming off the key switch, that is for the park position, there is no power to the relay for the distribution panel in the park position.