Second CGW Midwest MEET August 3rd and 4th in French Lick Indiana!

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
joedrum » Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:41 am[/url]":74yxqcz4]maybe some emergency peedles too for passing gear ... :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :hihihi:

hope you can make it William :mrgreen:
yes sir joe i'm going to make it. i'm just going to buy the parts needed for the alternator conversion and put them aside. looking to hear something about the 1800 wing i looked at so i might be on some new wheels
Bought my flight.

Thursday Aug 1st: Arrive Chicago at 1:00 PM

Tuesday Aug 6th: Depart Chicago at 11:20 AM

There are 16 Yes on the Calendar event say going to make it,,, calendar.php?view=event&calEid=152
Please update your posting there if your plans have changed.
[url= said:
dan filipi » Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:40 am[/url]":d2ajricp]Bought my flight.

Thursday Aug 1st: Arrive Chicago at 1:00 PM

Tuesday Aug 6th: Depart Chicago at 11:20 AM

There are 16 Yes on the Calendar event say going to make it,,, calendar.php?view=event&calEid=152
Please update your posting there if your plans have changed.
If you get a real long delay on your return flight I might see you after I clear customs on Wednesday Aug 7th. Just kidding I wouldn't wish that delay on anyone. I can't believe how jealous I am of all you guys that are making it to Joes at French Lick ( need to be there just for the name) :mrgreen:
I am already in trouble for heading over on the 7th and the girls don't head over until the 25th :whip:
I started the week in the 60% category that I would be able to make it... as of now I am approaching the 80% area. One job is okay, wife is ok, now just one more job to clear it with...

Dang! I gotta clear it with three bosses to make one trip. :head bang:
were all hoping for a ride ...but I think we will just flex to the situation ...seems Saturday might be a day people are still showing up ... so we all like to ride ... but some may be rode out when they get here ... so I think we will just flex the best we can to all concerns ....
Like Joe says, Piper, crowsnest and I will have riden down from Chicago and others coming as far maybe further so we'll see how it goes. A group ride would be fun though.
[url= said:
KYWinger » Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:37 pm[/url]":sa6tpvxt] :clapping: It does indeed look like it's going to be a big crowd!
I can't wait, this is going to be a fun meet.

Simple folk, politically incorrect. My kind of meet!
Ok, three bosses all say yes... well two did. The other boss: I just told her I was going :smilie_happy:

Plan on camping at Joe's. So I am thinking I am leaving PA Thursday afternoon with an overnight stop somewhere in Kentucky.

What is the earliest that we can arrive Joe?
The meet is getting close now so I'll be sending some map pictures with Joe's address to everyone by PM that confirmed a YES or MAYBE in the calendar event so watch for that PM.

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