SHOP heater burns Waste Engine OIL for FREE FUEL

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I think i am with you mcgovern61,

Cheap is one thing, but safety is Most Important, we don't need to get the fire department involved.

The guy that used the hair dryer was going way to cheap and not safe.

[url= said:
mcgovern61 » Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:19 am[/url]":2rsa3a3o]
Rather than a hair dryer, i would suggest a blower from an old oil burner furnace. They have much better bearings and are better protected for use around burning oil!
I like the video of the guy that has the adjustable drip that rate that the drip rate changes based on the Thermostat and keep temp at the set temp.

He said he has free plans on his system

I will ask him for them.
I have built a few of these in past years and succesfully heated my last shop with one.
A couple words of advice though.
The diameter of the tank as well as the diameter of the air intake pipe are very sensitive.
The smaller diameter tanks did not work as well,and the air intake worked much better as 4" rather than 3".

Also make sure your oil is not contaminated with brake fluid,coolant or any other foren chemicals.ATF burns great,but synthetic dont burn worth a crap.
I eventually simplified our design to a bucket with a petcock dripping into a funnel,attached to a 1/4 brake line rapping around the chimny pipe and down into the air intake which was formuly the chimney.
We eleminated the burner and used a domed semi hub cap with a hand full of lug nuts in the buttom for a burner pan and just let the oil drip into that.
We tried forcing air but it was to eratick and who cares how efficiant it is when the oil is free.

When I moved I opted for a radiunt propane heater in the new barn.The oil did smell a bit,there was always a bit of sot on the roof all the time and it was always a bit inconveniant shuffeling the oil around (dripping,pumping,pouring and cleaning the burner all the time)
Now I just flip on a light switch and the heat comes on and it only cost me about $150.00 all winter.

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