Take Her to Sea McGovern!

Classic Goldwings

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Back in Summer 2012, I took my youngest daughter for "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" (I know, it wasn't the right month, but she was off from school) and took her to the shipyard where that ship was being built. Here she is standing under the bow while it was under construction:

Just thought I would show some ship conversions over the years. In another thread, I posted a picture of my Wife on the bridge wing of the Dredge "Easy Rider". Here she was in her Navy colors before she ever went to work in the fishing industry:


Same ship here! If you look real close at the front, (bow) you can see the weld line were a false bow was added.

From US Coast Guard Lighthouse Service ship to USCG Buoy Tender to Oyster suction dredge. Built in 1939, here is the Tamarack in 1947:






And when I was sailing on her in 1988:

The Navy had a lot of ships that end up getting re-purposed. (New life) Some...not so lucky!

A Navy tanker type known as YO (Yard Oiler) were fairly common during WWII. Many were built on the East Coast by Ira Bushey and Sons. Here are some neat shots of some YO's that I either worked on, towed for scrapping or maybe a little more famous:

YO-153 sent down to Davy Jones Locker to become a fishing reef:


Here are a bunch of them:


Oops! Hurricane Sandy gave the John B. Caddell a free ride! :shock:


My first Tanker - The John B. Tabeling (Now scrapped)


After she was renamed:


Sistership, Mary H. Whalen (Museum now)


And maybe a more famous Bushey tanker turned crabber:


[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=114737#p114737:3o5oj34n said:
brianinpa » Sun Apr 13, 2014 12:01 am[/url]":3o5oj34n]
Those are small fries. Try one of these! :smilie_happy:


It doesn't even look that rusty :smilie_happy:
The only "boating" I have ever done was drag boat racing. A good friend(and employer at the time) got the urge, so we went in full bore. Most fun I ever had in any kind of racing....ever! :yahoo:
Just returned from the Gulf of Mexico again! Sea Trials on ship #2 of the same tanker class as the first video. Watching these videos and it is hard to tell the difference between the two ships!

I gotta admit, this is a tough job. Getting paid to sail these ships on beautiful sunny days with the wind in your face and all of that cool crisp ocean air.....really hard work! :fiddle: :smilie_happy:

Here is a video of the Port side Main Engine. Really can't even hear the engine over the turbo charger!

Stand away from the turbocharger Gerry!
If only you could set up a goldwing seat and a set of handle bars at the bow then you could combine the best of both worlds :smilie_happy:
:clapping: :salute: