Timing Adjustment

Classic Goldwings

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I am pretty green on electrical stuff so when I read these posts all I see is blah blah, yellow wire, blah blah, resistor, blah blah, coils... you get the idea.

That being said I have been able to muddle through most of my issues and keep my bike running pretty well. I ran points on my 76 and the bike runs like a raped ape, but I just switched to C5 because I did not want to deal with what you are dealing with now.

Randakk has a wealth of information on his site about all sorts of GL 1000 issues. Here is a link to some common electrical problems including the ignition system and help with Dyna that you may find useful. You have probably already read all this though.
https://www.randakksblog.com/category/ho ... ial-gl1000

As far as these bikes being "weak off idle" there is a common fix for this too. I have done this mod and it works just fine. Again, Randakk explains several methods of how to do this. I elected to solder the jet closed, set up the arm in my Bridgeport, then drill each one to the correct size. Was easy peazy. I believe this mod is for 75-77 models
https://www.randakksblog.com/how-to-cure ... /#more-241
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=145565#p145565:166fj1bb said:
CRAFTMAN6001 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:10 pm[/url]":166fj1bb]
you would figure after 41 views that more than one reply would help or have an answer. But like it or not I guess no one is up for the challenge For what ever reason I came here to this form to get (what I thought was gl goorew crew I tried to get the high tech answers and posted my questions and issues as clear as possible to no avail. That just sad To think no one has ever had wiring trouble with a GL. I take a great deal of interest in this bike and thought others did as well. there are others that will take the time to help out a guy with an old bike like this one. I'm stuck with the same issue I haven't found an answer for. That's okay, I will in time.Once I figure it out I'll Let others know the unwritten language they seek. Or where to read up on to find the answer and not something like check the plug.. Duh

This was posted over where they say they know whats going on but after 41 views I get check the plug cap how fn retarded. I had lost some power to the coils they are throwing spark like a stock set would not like a dyna set did. I want to wire them direct on there own circuit. Get them outside the harness. The thing somehow went down on both coils now I hold a screwdriver in the dyna boot and it wont fire unless it's 3mm to ground so to feed the coils power =? Anyone ever run them direct.

I'm just trying to get all the best answers to get this figured out I just cant believe that no one overthere has never had wiring issues with a Gl before . Just showed me that there all about themselves Just plain sad.. :rtfm:

Words hurt.....

Of course we all want to help you. Best help I can say is ditch the Dyna and run stock ignition or C5 as the Dynas are well documented to have a plethora of issues that can accompany them and they aren't worth the hassle if you are dealing with a bike you plan on keeping and enjoying. Take away all the performance benefits of a C5 and you still have a highly desireable ignition upgrade just due to the simplicity and accuracy of the timing set up.

Also, I have yet to read the post where someone refers to themselves as a GL guru, most of the time that is someone else calling them a guru simply because they happen to be more educated on the subject matter.

Im hoping your post was a knee jerk reaction due to the :Awe: :head bang: you have been doing with this bike and not a true reflection of the awesome group we have on this forum.
[url=https://forum.classicgoldwings.com/viewtopic.php?p=145644#p145644:2lcopjvu said:
bronko37 » Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:21 am[/url]":2lcopjvu]
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=145565#p145565:2lcopjvu said:
CRAFTMAN6001 » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:10 pm[/url]":2lcopjvu]
you would figure after 41 views that more than one reply would help or have an answer. But like it or not I guess no one is up for the challenge For what ever reason I came here to this form to get (what I thought was gl goorew crew I tried to get the high tech answers and posted my questions and issues as clear as possible to no avail. That just sad To think no one has ever had wiring trouble with a GL. I take a great deal of interest in this bike and thought others did as well. there are others that will take the time to help out a guy with an old bike like this one. I'm stuck with the same issue I haven't found an answer for. That's okay, I will in time.Once I figure it out I'll Let others know the unwritten language they seek. Or where to read up on to find the answer and not something like check the plug.. Duh

This was posted over where they say they know whats going on but after 41 views I get check the plug cap how fn retarded. I had lost some power to the coils they are throwing spark like a stock set would not like a dyna set did. I want to wire them direct on there own circuit. Get them outside the harness. The thing somehow went down on both coils now I hold a screwdriver in the dyna boot and it wont fire unless it's 3mm to ground so to feed the coils power =? Anyone ever run them direct.

I'm just trying to get all the best answers to get this figured out I just cant believe that no one overthere has never had wiring issues with a Gl before . Just showed me that there all about themselves Just plain sad.. :rtfm:

Words hurt.....

Of course we all want to help you. Best help I can say is ditch the Dyna and run stock ignition or C5 as the Dynas are well documented to have a plethora of issues that can accompany them and they aren't worth the hassle if you are dealing with a bike you plan on keeping and enjoying. Take away all the performance benefits of a C5 and you still have a highly desireable ignition upgrade just due to the simplicity and accuracy of the timing set up.

Also, I have yet to read the post where someone refers to themselves as a GL guru, most of the time that is someone else calling them a guru simply because they happen to be more educated on the subject matter.

Im hoping your post was a knee jerk reaction due to the :Awe: :head bang: you have been doing with this bike and not a true reflection of the awesome group we have on this forum.
this wasn't posted here it was a copy past from another form lets not confuse what I posted
Some might have not read what I posted so lets clear the air AGAIN..

I posted so information at ANOTHER FORM them guys overthere are suppose to be gl gods. But I don't think so

So now that's explained again hope it's cleared up.. Now that I've gone throught the entire electrical system and made up jumpers for this system the coil that controls 1 2 has lost value. Why this happened I'm unsure. There is spark there not like it shuld have. So there one that only lasted about a year I'll check my recipts. Going to look for another coil or coils to replace the set.. rebuilding the harness to the coil side system no more multui plugs. :head bang: :head bang: :head bang:
[url=https://forum.classicgoldwings.com/viewtopic.php?p=145580#p145580:mqvbflr2 said:
dan filipi » Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:56 pm[/url]":mqvbflr2]
So if I'm understanding, the Dyna that's on it right now did have a fat spark but now it's weak?
What changed between now and then?

One thing important to keep in mind is you can see good voltage on a wire but when that wire needs to pass CURRENT, it can't. Nearly always, maybe always, is because of a loose or corroded connection causing a high resistance.
This is what I think is going on now shows good voltage and from the ground. I removed the coils rebolted them new grounds new feeds new new new./ But something happen to the coil it self the bottom of the two holes on the coil will call them hole one hole two. Hole one was good spark hole two was not . I moved the wire to insure there wasnt a loss in the wire all was good so I'm wondering if its inside the coil passing or something else/..

Also ( Post subject: Re: Timing AdjustmentPost Number:#16 PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:10 pm)

this was copyed and pasted from somewhere else just wanted you guys here to read it ..
dyna coils are high output coils and do go bad ....to eliminate the duna unit on head you can switch coil wires and the bad coil should switch to front or back cylinders from the other look up this will for sure traget the coil as oppose to dyna unit on head
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=145751#p145751:3g870vuh said:
joedrum » Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:12 am[/url]":3g870vuh]
dyna coils are high output coils and do go bad ....to eliminate the duna unit on head you can switch coil wires and the bad coil should switch to front or back cylinders from the other look up this will for sure traget the coil as oppose to dyna unit on head

What I did do(using the ground point for my meter @ the coil mounting point) was check the voltage @ the yellow and blue where they screw to the colis. @ first the voltage was 11.94v(with the headlight on taillight and trunk lights on Then test with lights off) Then I disconnected to yellow and blue and the voltage was 12.43v. Reconnected the wires Y,B, The voltage stayed 12.32v bumped it over and voltage stayed the same roughly. I also checked the voltage @ the Red wire that feeds the pickup it was 12.56v. I removed the coils and checked the crimped ends @ Y, B, Cleaned the mounting points where the coils bolt to the aluminum brackets top and bottom. Cleaned the Green ground wire that go's under the coil mounting bolt and checked that crimp. Reinstallation of all.

The Yellow wire that feeds 1,2, coil and the Blue wire feeds 3,4,. low to no spark on the coil Yellow. The coil Blue has plenty of spark. Reversed the yellow wire with the blue wire and still the coil had low to no spark. Coil 3,4, with the yellow wire has good spark (wired in reverse)

I have no explanation on why the coil 1,2, has loss it's spark. Either with a direct connection or through the harness this coil is a dud. I have experienced in the past with the voltage coming from the battery will read 12.56 or better. But by the time it makes it's way to the gauges or other parts it drops a volt or two. Other than rebuilding a wiring harness to pinpoint the location of the loss of power, or due to a weak ground is yet to be determined. With all the connection points the coil circuit is made up there are a lot of points the voltage can be lost or resistance cane become a issue. I've done a lot of reading on how these bikes have weak charging and stock coil issues. This has been quiet a learning experience for me dealing with faulty carburetors masking faulty electric issues and a combonation of them both will cause one to loose there mind in the process. :head bang: :rant: :sensored: . So I'm going to test the coil to see if it is in fact a internal issue and what caused it. The loss in voltage might have made this happen. The coil dose throw spark but not like a high performance coil should. Back to square. I will be setting up my bench engine so I can pull things on and off easy.. I'm also building a website to post all my findings on my experience with this type of bike with the best information I can find and learn possible. So others will have a place to read up on corks of the wing. As I stated before I have the up most respect for all that has helped me through this ordeal. I had looked other places for information and if your not in the circle your out. So that's where the copy and past point I was making there. that was not directed at anyone here but someone didn't read what they were reading(I think), And commented as if it was directed to you guys here. So as long as there is no confusion now on that I hope. As for me on a personal note, I have no one to ask these questions too. I'm the color of a sheep as they say and I'm all I have on this other than what I learn on my own and what you fellas share here. I and the wife thank you greatly. I''m going to post a video link to show what is happening in real time so it can bee seen with eyes.. :ahem:

Thanks. :hi:
Don't start pulling your harness apart unless it is to follow a specific fault. Hondas have great wiring especially when compared to other makes of the same age. One of the main reasons for stator faults is they were at minimum capacity to start with and many owners added lots of lighting accessories that further taxed this limited resource. You will read about soldering the three yellow fase wires to the regulator/ rectifier but I personally with rather replace them with a new 3pin male and female plug. I reconmend using a Mofset regulator to reduce the load and heat on the stock stator and wiring.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=145851#p145851:2eu2n46j said:
Ansimp » Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:25 am[/url]":2eu2n46j]
Don't start pulling your harness apart unless it is to follow a specific fault. Hondas have great wiring especially when compared to other makes of the same age. One of the main reasons for stator faults is they were at minimum capacity to start with and many owners added lots of lighting accessories that further taxed this limited resource. You will read about soldering the three yellow fase wires to the regulator/ rectifier but I personally with rather replace them with a new 3pin male and female plug. I reconmend using a Mofset regulator to reduce the load and heat on the stock stator and wiring.

Yeah That's what I did I changed the plug here no solder. new coils on the way set up the jig for the 32/32 dtf
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=145748#p145748:2p0lhfzv said:
CRAFTMAN6001 » Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:41 am[/url]":2p0lhfzv]
Some might have not read what I posted so lets clear the air AGAIN..

I posted so information at ANOTHER FORM them guys overthere are suppose to be gl gods. But I don't think so

So now that's explained again hope it's cleared up.. Now that I've gone throught the entire electrical system and made up jumpers for this system the coil that controls 1 2 has lost value. Why this happened I'm unsure. There is spark there not like it shuld have. So there one that only lasted about a year I'll check my recipts. Going to look for another coil or coils to replace the set.. rebuilding the harness to the coil side system no more multui plugs. :head bang: :head bang: :head bang:

LMAO, sorry I totally read that post wrong. I get it now.... CGW #1 :0fftopic:

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