Tire Balancing Snake Oil

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You can pick up a wheel Balancer from harbor freight.. it is a bar with bearings on both sides two on each side.. and s bar that locks to the wheel that allows the setup to roll freely and show where the heavy side is.. then you can buy the sick on weights and place then where youyour rim is at the top.. .. add duct tape and let the wheel spin.. adjust the weight so that the wheel stops any where and never in the same spot.. then clean the spot to stick the weight.. remove paper backing.. stick on the eight.. and then run a bead of silicon around the weight.. and let cure.. the silicon will hold the weight on and not let the weather affect it
Does anyone remember going to the county fair and seeing the balancing disk to put on the studs behind the.tire? .. they have a out of balanced tire on a rim and a motor.. and. Run with out the balancer and then with the balancer.. ? That is what the beads do but without the liquid..
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=119341#p119341:3bpii8oj said:
charles franz » Wed May 28, 2014 6:33 am[/url]":3bpii8oj]
What are the beads made of? Thanks, Charlie in NC
I hear they are airsoft pellets, expensive airsoft pellets
I read somewhere recently where some feller was using BBs.....and he said they worked great. Iduno....
The Dyna beads are TINY. Don't know how many of them it takes to make an once, but it's a LOT...and they are ceramic. So far, I've been re-using mine, and I haven't seen any degradation of them....still as round as they were out of the bag.

This is gunna be one of the subjects just like what oil is best.....there is no one definite answer to which is really best.... :read:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=119355#p119355:2oatck49 said:
zman » Wed May 28, 2014 11:11 am[/url]":2oatck49]
Hmm..I wonder if that is where some of the dissatisfaction from some comes from, maybe the wanna be beads are some kind of plastic.
There is a YouTube video of a guy removing a back tire to expose beads stuck in the tire all the way around. From the look of them, I would say they were plastic and melted into the tire from the tire getting heated up.

The original Dyna Beads are ceramic and most people I know that have used them have never had that problem and everyone that I know that has used them are pleased with their performance!
I currently have air-soft pellets in the rear and will soon have them up front. I love them, my only vibration is in the front with the lead weight.
I use slime, a liquid tire sealer that a lotta dirt bikers use, but only in tubes.
The people that change tires hate the mess if used in tubeless and there are stories of corrosion to some wheels if used on tubeless.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=119268#p119268:3sfjy4sp said:
Ansimp » Tue May 27, 2014 8:51 pm[/url]":3sfjy4sp]
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=119257#p119257:3sfjy4sp said:
brianinpa » Wed May 28, 2014 10:34 am[/url]":3sfjy4sp]
The horror? Have you ever noticed how many tree rats there are in our area? :whip:

Never really liked squirrel meat when I was a kid so I never gave it a thought.

Ours fly from tree to tree!!

squirrel superman.jpeg
I am probably going to never use the goo either.
I ended up receiving my rear tire after three days and my tools and goo had not yet shipped from bikebandit.
I just took the rear wheel off [a much more laborious task than I had anticipated] and had the tire mounted in a shop and balanced with weights.
next tire though I will definitely research going with the ceramic beads,

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