Well son of uh.................................

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[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162144#p162144:1fc5untu said:
dan filipi » 3 minutes ago[/url]":1fc5untu]
As good as the C5 is, it doesn't make other ignitions worthless. That is fact.

Overheated like that I wonder if the engine was running very hot for a long time.
The heads being water cooled run pretty cool normally.
This was electrical issue from heat like from a loose connection or short.
I have ran it several times try to diagnose things. Once for about an hour and rode it all around the neighborhood, it didn't get hot or overheat. The fan cycles, coolant circulates, t stat opening properly.
Can't know for sure yet but I know this was an electrical issues and this bike has had several.
I understand Joe's stance about the C5 but I can't keep putting high end products on a bike in the value range. I am going with Dyna full pkg, plug wires, coils, and ignition. Many think Dyna is a good reliable product and for price, it will work.
Dyna as a product is just okay. They do have great customer service. Personally I'd prefer points. :builder:
I'll make everyone a deal, I won't slam your choices if you won't slam mine.
We are all entitled to our own opinions and have good reasons for our choices.
I wasn't asking for any endorsements, I was just updating a topic I started.
oh well ..im not slaming anyone just giving opinions ....many are led to believe ..that there is no other choice than the old crap after market stuff ...that not as good as points for 1000s ....i have no clue what you know and give my best responses ...at least that better than what others do ....i have use c5 a long time one of the first ....my mouth will not shut up when it comes to e in play ...no matter what ...

i will stop here in this thread now ....as you dont care for it ...no harm no foul ....i will say one of the worse thing on oldwings is there ignitions were never as good as the motor needed ...
:popcorn: Looking forward to see what happens with the new stuff installed! Sending positive thoughts your way Terry, you've put a lot of hard work into this old girl. You deserve a good break.

Electronics were made 33 years or so ago, only new ignition parts ever found was a set of pulse generators for 85 through 87, couple years ago. :roll: Everything else was used, kind a dirty, & still works well. :smilie_happy: Would like the cash to upgrade to modern stuff, but have a few good extra used parts as well as good parts so far in my stable of mounts, & all run well. :whistling:Good luck to you, you'll get it, :salute: & when you do, you'll be more knowledgeable :yes:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162186#p162186:3hl9vas9 said:
brianinpa » 31 minutes ago[/url]":3hl9vas9]
Terry, Did the prestolite look like that before you started working on it? I have to think no, but dang! Those things are toast!
Well to be honest, I don't know. Since it started and sort of ran I didn't look at it until now. I was sidetracked when the coil for cylinders 3 and 4 ohmed out with an open winding meaning it had a inner winding short or failure.
When I found that issue it was like: Aha, no wonder 3 an 4 don't spark or fire.
When coil replacement didn't cure it and it still didn't fire on 3 and 4, I rechecked my work, wiring etc. and it was all good now.
Then I looked further and found the fried ignition pickups.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=161493#p161493:3dr55paw said:
bronko37 » Sat Oct 17, 2015 8:47 pm[/url]":3dr55paw]
Have you checked the breaker points? Sometimes the aftermarket points will come lose from the pivot shaft. I had it happen on my '76. Pull the points cover first to check the obvious stuff before you go buying parts you may not need.

Stick with it, you'll get it sorted. Mine didn't even start when I hade my "grand opening" turned out to be. The damn points, lol.


I told you to check the points first..... :smilie_happy:

Its only 2 screws to give it a look :Awe:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162189#p162189:1uzg197r said:
Terry » Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:54 am[/url]":1uzg197r]
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162186#p162186:1uzg197r said:
brianinpa » 31 minutes ago[/url]":1uzg197r]
Terry, Did the prestolite look like that before you started working on it? I have to think no, but dang! Those things are toast!
Well to be honest, I don't know. Since it started and sort of ran I didn't look at it until now. I was sidetracked when the coil for cylinders 3 and 4 ohmed out with an open winding meaning it had a inner winding short or failure.
When I found that issue it was like: Aha, no wonder 3 an 4 don't spark or fire.
When coil replacement didn't cure it and it still didn't fire on 3 and 4, I rechecked my work, wiring etc. and it was all good now.
Then I looked further and found the fried ignition pickups.

Then I also wonder if that head was ran over temperature at some point by the previous owner. That seems like a LOT of melting for just an electrical issue.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162191#p162191:1hcpfyyn said:
bronko37 » 47 minutes ago[/url]":1hcpfyyn]
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=161493#p161493:1hcpfyyn said:
bronko37 » Sat Oct 17, 2015 8:47 pm[/url]":1hcpfyyn]
Have you checked the breaker points? Sometimes the aftermarket points will come lose from the pivot shaft. I had it happen on my '76. Pull the points cover first to check the obvious stuff before you go buying parts you may not need.

Stick with it, you'll get it sorted. Mine didn't even start when I hade my "grand opening" turned out to be. The damn points, lol.


I told you to check the points first..... :smilie_happy:

Its only 2 screws to give it a look :Awe:

Yes sir Daddy,
sorry I didn't listen but mine didn't have points so .....
:razz: :dyrazz:
There's a good reason why people dread electrical problems, :sensored: & that's what the issues are most of the time, :read: followed by fuel issues. :roll:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162202#p162202:2eejq2nx said:
Denver » 15 minutes ago[/url]":2eejq2nx]
There's a good reason why people dread electrical problems, :sensored: & that's what the issues are most of the time, :read: followed by fuel issues. :roll:

I am an home repairman and know that often one part failure can be caused by or it can cause a chain reaction to other components. This is particularly true with appliances, hvac, or any electrical devices.

Example: An electical outlet quits working and looks burned, caused by a loose wire, that tripped a circuit breaker.
You've got it, :good: good chance also, a result of a p o's doing some wiring mod's. :hihihi:

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