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Classic Goldwings

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I was an 8 year old boy and my mom was driving me to the airport to stay with my dad when this song came on the radio..Serindipty.

[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=104006#p104006:395mg7xh said:
Omega Man » Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:56 pm[/url]":395mg7xh]
This has the next song on the album also which IS THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE HEARD.

Oooh I miss those days of the crackle off the record and my brother and I crankin Robin Trower and Zepplin. My brother's $3000 system he made payments on for 2 years, the Infinity speakers crankin out the clean highs, the bass skipping the needle.
Good times, simpler times.


:music2: :fiddle:
"Blue Moon" - Performed by the Rock-O-Fellas. Recorded (badly) in 1988. We were all basses in a choir, I'm on the far left, playing the keyboards and singing bass.


We sucked, but we had fun!
Ruth and I really enjoyed your performance. More than just a Goldwing guru :good:

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