I make water for a living.
I work at the water plant in Joplin, MO. Note; we are not city workers, it is a private company.
I have been in this type of work pretty much since I got out of the Navy in 1980, I rode submarines in the Navy.
I was in Engineering on the subs so I pretty much do the same kind of work now, just don't go anywhere doing it.
I also worked for the Missouri Dept of Health for several years and taught Water Treatment in college for several years.
Passion,,,, my wife!!!!!! Ham Radio,,, Riding Motorcycle,,,, I have a shop at home and spend a lot of time messing with stuff in there. Right now I am doing a Electronic Fuel Injection project on my 1979 Goldwing GL-1000, You can look at the project
Go here..........
The ham bands are a lot of fun right now, they are doing well for talking far, just talked to Japan etc. and all over Europe
My ham call is kb0ou, I am a Extra Class operator, as high as you can go, the wife is also licensed.
I also have a daughter, a son in law, and 2 grandkids. They take up some of my time too.