What do you do for a living and what are your passions?

Classic Goldwings

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this one takes up a lot of time too
What a great thread this is. Just finished reading all of it and seeing that I am at work right now, I figured I might as well start writting. I was born and raised on a farm in northern Ontario, worked there as long as I could. Left for college to study electronics, got a job as an operator in a waferboard mill. Finally after 5 years I got on with a contractor as an electrical apprentice. Worked in a different mill, got my electrical license and was there for 20 years. moved over to the mining sector, got this great job... lasted one year and was laid off. Now I am working in a diamond mine, I work 2 weeks and off 2 weeks or I am deprived of my Goldwing for 2 weeks... I am also teaching electricity at a local college, during my two weeks off, so I keep busy. This winters project will be to build a wreck room and a bathroom in my basement and I have some stuff to do on the wing of course. So between all that and my wife and two kids, 22 and 20 years old, I don't have time for much hobbies anymore. I got my Goldwing last fall and the only regret I have is that I didn't get it sooner. My son has his bike and we ride together as much as we can.

Well, I was born in Boise, Idaho. My parents moved to Salt Lake City, Ut when I was 10 years old. After finishing high school I got a job at a local
electrical supply house that sold electrical supplies to contractors. Went thru every postion in that buisness... driver,warehouse, counter sales, purchasing,
inside sales, outside sales, manager, and after some 40 + years had an Opportunity to retire. Not all of the time was at the same electrical distributor.
I spent some time with General Electric Supply, GEXPRO Supply, D&S Electrical Supply (Idaho Falls, ID) and also around 10 years of it working with
an electrical contractor as a bidder and expeditor of equippment and supplies. Learned alot about what an electrical contractor really goes thru.
I'am not fully retired, My wife and I work a couple of days a week at an auto auction for some spend money to take little trips here and their.
I have 3 children, 2 grand children.
My Interest had always been with cars. Wish I still had some of them back that I use to have. 55 Chev. 2 door, 61 Chev 2 door, 64 Chev Impala 2 door,
67 Chev Malibu 2 door, 47 Willy CJ2A 350 chev motor. Tinkering is what I do most. Now that I have my first wing, I have something else to tinker with.
And with all the great help and Knowledgeable people on this site, it will be a lot of fun to continue tinkering and improving on the 83 wing. :mischief: :mischief: :whistling: :whistling:
Was born in Tripoli to military brats(All 4 grandparents where air force)Raised in southern USA. Moved a lot and was a professional student a lot. Got diplomas in Drafting(15), AC&R(18), Electronics(21), IPP(28), Police admin(22), Sniper(21), Diesel mechanics(31), Pipefitting(38), Valve tech(39), Instrumentation(41), Plumbing(40). Worked at roofing and general carpentry as a teen, joined Army at 20 for 3 years as a sniper. Deputy for a year then back to construction/factory work. Drove cross country for a few years while working on computers. Got heavy into Star trek rpg for a few years then I left JB Hunt with 2m miles and become a pipefitter. After 7 years of that, when marrying 3rd wife, I got back in log truck untill last year when I retired and started doing paper routes. Spare time I am remodeling/rebuilding house. Raising beagles to sell and working on anything mechanical I can find. Current work involves a '91 Oldsmobile van, a '91 Aerostar van(vans for bundle hauling), a 94 sentra(paper route car) 95 civic( a Honda) 3 '83 goldwings, An '81 silverwing, a '79 CX 500 and a '80 Suzuki gm400 thats gonna be built old school for grandson. My only other major passion is guns. Currently own just 31 but working on that and setting up my reloading room again.

ps: The '79 and one of the '83's are the wife's as are half the guns.(Nice to finally have a wife that shares my passions,until she absconds with one.)
I started out 37 years ago as a stock boy in a mom and pop store when I got out of grammar school. Went to tech school after hi school and spent the next twenty years turning a wrench in various dealers. A motorcycle accident side lined me for about a year, and I set off metal detectors now with my left leg. I left dealers when cars warrantees started getting longerand computors more involved in their basic operation. From there Igot into the garment business. In the warehouse at first, followed by shipping. Next came the cutting room where original sample garments were cut for assembly by the stitchers. That company folded due to cheaper overseas labor, and they moved south. During the garment time I got married & divorced, then turned into a drunk. After checking into rehab I landed work on charter and party boats in the harbor. Left there a firstmate and went on to a tug company as a duty engineer. The money was great but the hours sucked. On call 24/7. Now that I've hit 50, security is my present gig till I find something more to my liking. Riding and playing with my naked 83 wing are what keep me somewhat sane. I also like photography. Don't drink no more. Been 9 years now. don't miss it either. But what's done is done. No regrets! It's too late for them. Just liven life day by day tryin not to bug anyone or let anyone bug me. Just ride, take pictures and wait for Laconia to roll around for vacation.
For those who have not posted information about themselves, please do so. We are all interested on:

Locksmith for the past 10 yrs.And my passion is riding.One of those who would rather ride than drive.All weather.
Started out working as a bag boy after I got out of high school.Went into the Marines sent to Viet Nam came back and hauled furniture for a couple of years.Got hired on at a nylon and chemical plant and worked shift work for almost 31 yrs.Retired for a year or so then went to work part time for the last 6 yrs. driving cars around for Enterprise car rental.Ilike riding my 83GL1100I when I can,a little fishing and hunting when I get the urge.I also ride my 800 Vulcan when I have a chance.
I can't begin to touch all the stuff I have done in an over 50 year work life...countless things all over the country...EVERYTHING from a carny to a porn rag pasteup artist, a houseboy to a manager of others....yikes it is overwhelming...I had a thing about doing nothing for over three years....and most things not that long. In three years I should know the job, then I go do something else....

I was able to retire from the USFWS by compressing 20 years of seasonal work in public lands, the US Army, the Coast Guard, the Forest Service and National Park Service and my military time to come up with 14 years of straight time. Boy talk about a semi-retired guy! I had to completely retire due to physical problems...

I must add one thing I enjoyed greatly and that was the years I spent as a jeweler, I was an accomplished silversmith, goldsmith and gem setter and a good all around hand at the repair bench. I worked for a couple of shops in Alaska and had my own custom jewelry business a couple of times. Due to a compromised spine I have lost a lot of the feeling and small motor control of my fingers so I don't think I will ever do it again...but I still keep my hand tools in case... :builder:

All those years of both of us working for half of each year gave us time to travel a great deal and we have...a lot of moto touring, van and camper touring, public transpo all over the world...

Like some other folks on here, I drank and drugged much of my life and nearly died many times....I now have nearly 30 years of continuous sobriety without a drink or a drug. That has allowed me to really enjoy my life, find a spiritual path and be a stand up guy like I always wanted to be.

My passion is helping other drunks and drug addicts find sobriety, my grandkids, hot springs...(we now have our own hot well and tub in TorC) traveling, playing with wrenches in my great garage and these days, sidecaring... ...I also like my computer pretty much...dunno much about it but I like it. As one guy says on the Internet Sidecars Online Klub (ISOK), I love my computer, a lot of my friends are in it....
You guys for one!

I am already scheming on my next sidecar rig...my wife tells me when she retires in 3 years, and I am 70, we will ride to Panama and back, possibly more, something we have wanted to do for a long time..I want a different rig for that...more of an enduro rig....maybe a KLR with a light hack.

Sidecaring is a passion above most things to me...As for bikes, I have owned a 30 or so over the years and as you know by my profile, now there is only the wing and the two CT110's. I am am counting the many that have come through my hands that I half assed restored and traded or sold off. I once had 23 yard ornaments of the moto persuasion.

Another passion I had for a while were Series Land Rovers. I had four. I won't even try to list the cars, buses, trucks and other stuff that I have and do play with. Gearheads unite!!!
This is great fun to learn a bit about you all...and share some about me...
I make water for a living.
I work at the water plant in Joplin, MO. Note; we are not city workers, it is a private company.
I have been in this type of work pretty much since I got out of the Navy in 1980, I rode submarines in the Navy.
I was in Engineering on the subs so I pretty much do the same kind of work now, just don't go anywhere doing it.
I also worked for the Missouri Dept of Health for several years and taught Water Treatment in college for several years.

Passion,,,, my wife!!!!!! Ham Radio,,, Riding Motorcycle,,,, I have a shop at home and spend a lot of time messing with stuff in there. Right now I am doing a Electronic Fuel Injection project on my 1979 Goldwing GL-1000, You can look at the project

Go here.......... https://www.ngwclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=31474

The ham bands are a lot of fun right now, they are doing well for talking far, just talked to Japan etc. and all over Europe
My ham call is kb0ou, I am a Extra Class operator, as high as you can go, the wife is also licensed.

I also have a daughter, a son in law, and 2 grandkids. They take up some of my time too.
sounds like you have a realy nice setup ...ive look at fuel injection thread quite often ....im not very good in this area so im always looking to learn somthing ......the shop must be nice to have ..im just finishing mine up right now and plan to have some nice project going on in there :good: :builder: :mrgreen:
I am 50 and retired due to some heath issues. I have been sober for 22years. I have been in the car business all of my adult life.
I started as a service writer at a chrysler plymouth dealer, back when K cars were the rage. I worked as a salesman about twenty years at a dodge dealer and the last years as used car manager at a toyota dealer.
I started riding again about 20 years ago, I had a Triumph for my first bike and just couldnt do it to myself again. I bought a Nighthawk 750, then Goldwings. I am on my second 1800. I have valks and even a rune.
I have been married for 27 years. And I love to ride, I usually clock around 12000 a year and ride daily. I jsut dont hardly care to drive a car anymore. If it is dry and over 40 and the roads are clear I will be riding.
I have some time now and I am trying to develop some skills so I can work on these older metrics.
My 78 is just plain nice, the 81 has been sitting for a while. it runs well but I havent rode it yet because of the brakes.
I am looking forward to learning to work on these bikes I just love.
I live in northwest west ohio, out side Toledo Ohio were Klinger on mash is from.And we have a bunch of dogs and no kids.

God Bless, and this is a nice thread

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