What do you do for a living and what are your passions?

Classic Goldwings

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dan filipi

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Dec 3, 2009
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Van Nuys Ca.
My Bike Models
1983 Interstate
2018 KLR 650
2018 BMW S1000 RR
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We all have other interests and skills besides the Goldwing and motorcycles, I thought it would make a interesting subject what we all do for a living, what experience we have in other fields, and what other interests we have. A mini Bio.
Like mcgovern61 is a Merchant Marine Captain, Aapple is a transmission Tech.

I've been an electrical contractor, state licensed since 1987. I had a few years experience before that as a handyman.
We did everything from trenching to roofing.
I didn't like the stereotypical image of a handyman (jack of all trades, master of none) so I specialized in electrical.

My main passion is the 1100 Goldwing because I own one but I'm most fond of the 4 cylinder models.

My other interests and experiences are in computers, PC and Mac.
I started on PC then had trouble rendering home movies so I bought a Mac. Love it but my company software wasn't supported so I had to run a separate PC as a server for just that software.
I used this server for other things but it was such a waste burning power 24/7 for what I used it for.
When the Mac became too slow I bit the bullet and bought the fastest Dell Best Buy sold.

Now most of my time is spent maintaining and adding features to the forums, making a living, and spending as much time with my 3 kids and wife as I can.
I am a Merchant Marine Officer by trade (Captain). I have sailed on any number of different types of ships and boats from tankers, tugs, ferries, offshore clamming and private yachts. I presently am Captain of a desk! :smilie_happy:

I am providing consulting services and construction management to build boats and ships around the country at different shipyards.

I am also a Bible teacher and this is where my passion lies! In a nut shell, I explain the Bible plainly and teach the historical sections with the relevance of today. More specifically, being able to share where we are today in Biblical history and what is yet to come. (Biblically speaking, not personal opinion)
I've had so many different jobs I no longer can list them all. I'm presently a mill rat operating a huge machine coating sheet metal. It is then sent to other plants where it is used to make cans. I'm a certified universal HVAC technician. I was a gas service tech. for a gas dept in fla. a few years. I managed a MAACO franchise many years ago. I taught myself to build and program my own computers. My father and I rebuilt this house I'm living in. I am very interested in a lot of different things and currently read all I can find on herbs and herbal uses.
Well, by trade I'm a LPN/LVN. I work 3 nights a week in a single person's home, and get to have 4 day's a week to my self. When I say to my self, I mean to say with my daughters. When I'm not spending time with them, I try to be out riding and working with the CMA chapter that I am involved in with my wife and kids. We all do as much as we can with our church as well.

When I'm not doing that, I try to work on my truck that I'm rebuilding. During the winter months, I work on getting the wing ready to go for the next riding season.
Ive spent the last 11 years as an autoparts suplier right in my home town.To both some retail and mostly wholesale to local garages,farms and trucking companys.I call on them weekly keeping them stocked with filters, oil,chemicals and other commonly used items.And work with them daily over the phone getting them what the need as quickly as I can.I work mostly with the profesionals and leave the guys looking for cheap crap to the autozone type stores.Not that there really cheaper.I am ASE certified in both auto and heavy truck parts.
My hobbys and passions have changed through the years as my kids have grown.They range anywhere from little league,to scouting to lawnmower racing. As my youngest has just entered middle school,I have been using my spare time building a cb500 cafe racer just for a toy.
And ofcourse "Weekend Wingin" tops the list.
:cool!: I be a Forger, well we call it a steel smasher, with that said I run a mechanical forging press that makes wheel bearing hubs/spindles/trannsmission gears, most of these said parts are for GM & Toyota, so if ya own a GM car or truck chances are those parts were made right here in the good ole USA right here in my home town.
I like to get a round of golf in when I can, But when the snow flies around here my next passion kicks in with a furry. I'm a true red blooded snowmobiler from (hopefully) late Nov. till the middle of Mar.
Winger 82 :hi:
Well...I could'a been a book-keeper in a who...er...a house of ill repute, but I couldn't read or write. SO....

I am an automotive transmission specialist. I am ASE certified in both automatic and standard transmissions, as well as drivelines(differentials, transfer cases, etc). I been doing this for way too long...aboot 30 years, best I can figure. I have done other stuff, too.
My first real job( can't count werking for Pa on the farm) was in an office machine repair business. I did that all the way thru high school. I repaired/serviced typewriters(anyone remember those?), adding machines(or those?), and copiers.
From there, I worked in a body shop, and wound up working the frame machine, straightening bent frames. I was also a "line mechanic" at Toyota, Cadillac, and Chebby dealerships when I was 18-19 years old.
After that, I worked at a few salvage yards, doing a lot of hotrod work, building/repairing street rods, muscle cars, and such. Did a lot of drag racing, and some roundy-rounds.
I owned my own auto repair business two different times, but when the oil field business went south in the mid-eighties, I had to give it up. I wound up working for a friend of mine that had a trans shop...it was just he and me. We also got deep into Drag Boat racing, running(at first) a 18' Youngblood jet hull with a big block Chebby. Had mucho fun doin that.
I moved to the D/FW area in '86, and have been working in transmission shops exclusively since then.
My other "hobby" is all things Corvettes. I own a '74 NCRS National Top Flight car, and an '85 I got for Mama. I also collect Corvette die-cast cars, all scales. I have over 2200 of them at this time. I collect anything Corvette, from beltbuckles,l to whiskey decanters, and dealership items.
I also collect scale pedal cars...blame Mama for that!

I have no kids(that I'm aware of), but Mama had two when we met. The youngest was killed when he was 14 by an reckless driver. The oldest lives in West Virginny.
I bought my Goldwing to get away from paying over $120 a week for gas to get to/from work. It has since become a big part of me....I spend a lot of time here, learning from the Masters, and for that, I Thank You ALL!
i came of age as a long haired hippy quite different from the sterio type decription of hippies today .....at this time disneyworld was being built in orlando and work was everywhere as in construction .....so i jumped in with all fours at fifteen yrs old and by the time i was 18 icould build cut and fit anything .....by the time i was 26 i had worked on sky scrapers to single family homes and everything in between......this is along with drumming my lifes passion .....from a bar incounter with some marines that took exception of my long hair and my long haired friend in a bar ....where nothing good smart are anything else on the side of good sense happen i was basicly threaten by a judge who said he would see me in jail as he thought i was a theat to humanity promted me to move to indiana to the family farm where i farmed and played music ....i learned so much from the old time farmers to go along with pervious things i had done .....

it could be said that i never use my brain unless my hands were involed ...and im very graitful of it ...today i can do lot almost anything i want

the music side of my life is a whole other story ... :mrgreen:
mcgovern61":iaxcf9j4 said:
I am a Merchant Marine Officer by trade (Captain). I have sailed on any number of different types of ships and boats from tankers, tugs, ferries, offshore clamming and private yachts. I presently am Captain of a desk! :smilie_happy:
I have added some pics to the gallery of some of the boats and ships I worked on if anyone has any interest:

There is an interesting BW picture of the tug EF Moran sailing the original SS Queen Elizabeth from the passenger ship piers in New York back in 1948. This tug was built in 1940 as a steam powered tug and participated in the D-Day invasion. She was converted to diesel power (16 cylinder submarine surplus engine Cleveland 278A) in the 1950's. I sailed on her in 2006 and I was the last Captain on her and worked her last commercial tow prior to scrapping in 2007. There is also a picture of her in 2006 in the gallery.
I have 50 kids I drive back and forth. 100miles a day.
yup you guessed it...
I'm a school bus driver.
love my job... I have the greatest kids, and look forward to work ALMOST every day.
I work atleast 4 hours a day, have every weekend off unless I take extra trips...
and have the entire summer off....
good thing I have a great wife, cause bus drivers dont make much money :p

I ran my own computer repair business for 18years before getting my CDL have been driving for 3 years now.

great stories... great people!
I was born the son of a Share Cropper , I worked the farms till I was old enough to go to work in town . at 18 years old I went to work as a Mechanic at a VW Dealership , then after that a Fiat Dealership Mechanic , a little Millwright work in between , and a few years in a Furniture Factory , then I spent over 15 years as an over the road Diesel Mechanic at a truck stop shop. .........and kinda like Joedrum , I started playing Banjo and Guitar as a young kid , Music was my Real Gift. and I played clubs for over 40 years on the side..... and I played from 1989 through 1994 for a living . now I'm retired , me and the wife Camp a lot , ( Teardrop Camper ) and I am always building somekind of street rod .
I am the national director of program implementation for a charity. We specialize in designing, funding and supporting literacy and health and nutrition programs for 0-12 year olds in rural communities in 14 states. I love my job but it does require a lot of time on the phone and at a desk.

My passions include motorcycles, blues music, bicycles and my wife and kids. I try to keep it as simple as possible because work sure ain't.
I am now an electronic technologist. In a previous life I was and still am a Marine and small powered equipment mechanic with a motorcycle endorsement. I have been a garbage man lol and it's safe to say that was one of the best jobs I ever had.

I used to live in a remote northern town but now live in the lower tip of Ontario in the heart of the madness and I hate it. My job keeps me here.

I love riding and building bikes. I Like building and fixing computers and as I type I got called into work so off we go to make some double bubble to pay for my toys

I feel like I've been through so much that I don't know where to start.

My dad was has been a Fuller Brush man for 50 years. Back in the day, He sold door to door in his own designated territory. He had regular customers. Since about the second or third grade my job was to go 2-3 days ahead of him and leave sale catalogs at every door step on a planned daily route. After school and on Saturdays. When I finished I would wait for him at a local park where he would pick me up on his way home. I got $5 for a 6 day week. But I had to put it into a piggy bank. I wasn't allowed to spend it. That sucked! Later, when I started driving, my job was to deliver the products his customers had ordered. After school and on Saturdays. I don't remember how much, but I got a humble percentage of the money collected. My dad was a workaholic, and honestly believed with all his heart that everyone else should be one too. I think the depression warped his head. He also owned a security company since before I was born. So as an adult I had to pull guard duties, uniformed and plain clothes, armed and unarmed. As time went on I inherited the position of guard supervisor, and found myself babysitting guards. I ran around at night in a marked vehicle with a radio (no cell phones then) putting out fires, settling disputes, and relieveing guards I found sleeping on the job, or doing something they're not supposed to be doing. That has to be probably the worst job I ever had. Fuller Brush eventually became a sideline for dad, and is now a mail order business with an 800 number. Not much happening there anymore. Dad is in his 80's now and grows a garden and doing his little farmers market hustle over near Bakersfield.
I got jobs working at machine shops, making all sorts of things. When I got out of the army I worked at Edlebrock machineing cast aluminium intake manifolds. I have made die sets for tool and die making, and I have made drilling equipment for off shore rigs. I always felt good about tinkering with cars and motorcycles. When I was 16 I started taking an automotive class at a local trade school. That's where I started doing cylinder head work. Through my late twenties and early thirties I was working on cars and bikes for people in the neighborhood as a hobby, which carried me through periods of unemployment. I developed a reputation working at home. I have been gainfully employed as an automobile technician since 1984, and obtained my first ASE certifications about 1986(?) With 26 years of ongoing education in this field. I decided I wanted to be a motorcycle mechanic, so I sold my shovelhed for a down payment on tuition to attend MMI in Phoenix, AZ. in 1988-89. I took the basic career course and moved on to the Harley Davidson factory elective. Graduated 2nd in the class with a final score of 96%. First was a 98%. Then I got attitude when I discovered that being a motorcycle mechanic was not all that lucrative. Thousands of dollars later, and a year of 19 hours days working and going to school and driving Phoenix traffic between the two, I qualified for a grunt position of minimum wage. So back to automotive I went. I could go anywhere in the country and make money doing that. Have tool box, will travel. I was invincable. These days, my hobby is turning into a chore with deadlines. Higher demands with lesser take home pay. I'm burning out. I'm getting tired. I'm seeing the talented gray beards with baggage being replaced by the younger, less talented, cheaper labor force. Maybe the "hope" and Change" have arrived? But I got a wife and kids, so what's a guy gonna do, y"know?
I took a break for a couple years and got a commercial license. I drove busses. I drove transit buss, and I drove charter buss. It was a welcomed break. Much needed. The most enjoyable job I've had in years was driving paratransit. The cutaway vans, transporting handicapped people to their programs, or to the store, elderly from assisted living to the doctor appointments-hospital, etc. Wheelchair lift, secureing wheelchairs in the vehicle. Some people were physically impaired, some were mentally impaired, some were both. I remember seeing some people who were so impared, they couldn't control muscle, druleing down their chest, snot running everywhere, and I couldn't understand what they were trying to tell me. I had an address to pick them up and an address to drop them off. They were my responsibilty in transit. I am a litteral 6 day creationist. I believe when God creates, He creates perfect and not without purpose or good reason. One day as I was transpoting this person who was one of the most extreme cases I can remember, keeping an eye on him in my mirror, I thought "God, what possible purpose can this person have on earth? Look at him? He is completely helpless! He can't even blow his nose! Why would you create such a person? Going with the thought that every life is important, I mean, what's the point?" And as clear as if it had come over the speakers of the radio, I heard "Well, right now I'm useing him to teach you how to serve others". That was quite an awakening for me. I came home an entirely different person that day. And that still has an effect on me today. I also learned that the special olyimpics is more than just an event. It is a tremendous accomplishment! Our savings dwindled as the pay was so low, and I had to leave that job eventually. So, now I'm back to fixing cars because that's what I do. And it seems that this economy might be changing my old stand-by. A lot more has happened in my life, but this is what I can fit into a nutshell this morning.
Hi all....I am a cdl driver up here in ythe great white north and have been a driver my whole life cabs limo's tow-trucks you name it so I guess it was just natural for me to end up on bikes as well :mrgreen: . My passions in life are riding and my family and wouldnt change much lol. I have raced stock cars at the local track and would still be doing it but the costs are so high now that it just sucked the life out of it :rant: . I have just bought my next ride (83 gl1100 aspencade) and plan on having a great time with my wife seeing some new sights and meeting new people together.....
Bubbahyde":26qdaf5z said:
Hi all....I am a cdl driver up here in ythe great white north and have been a driver my whole life cabs limo's tow-trucks you name it so I guess it was just natural for me to end up on bikes as well :mrgreen: . My passions in life are riding and my family and wouldnt change much lol. I have raced stock cars at the local track and would still be doing it but the costs are so high now that it just sucked the life out of it :rant: . I have just bought my next ride (83 gl1100 aspencade) and plan on having a great time with my wife seeing some new sights and meeting new people together.....

Hey there I noticed you are from London. Are you or where you a CMC member? I live in Brantford we're nieghbours and I also ride a 83 GL1100 Aspencade.

Hope to see you around

scdmarx":1ebifroj said:
I believe when God creates, He creates perfect and not without purpose or good reason. One day as I was transpoting this person who was one of the most extreme cases I can remember, keeping an eye on him in my mirror, I thought "God, what possible purpose can this person have on earth? Look at him? He is completely helpless! He can't even blow his nose! Why would you create such a person? Going with the thought that every life is important, I mean, what's the point?" And as clear as if it had come over the speakers of the radio, I heard "Well, right now I'm useing him to teach you how to serve others". That was quite an awakening for me. I came home an entirely different person that day. And that still has an effect on me today. I also learned that the special olyimpics is more than just an event. It is a tremendous accomplishment!

You could not have said it any better! I greatly appreciate your humbleness. :thank_you:

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