The list of things I can possibly think of that would change that much compression:
Carbon build-up (I know, there's none).
Bad valve sealing (but you said you had resurfaced them).
Different combustion chamber size on the two heads.
Difference in the port size left-to-right.
Different piston compression height, either by piston head shape or the surfacing of one side of the block.
Different rocker arm ratios left-to-right, allowing better cylinder filling because valve is open more on that side.. (too weird).
Restriction in the exhaust on one side, but that wouldn't show up in a compression test, only when running (and you had said it runs evenly).
If the test was repeatable, it's not your compression gauge. :ahem:
Have you done a leak-down test on the low-side to see if the rings are getting slightly weak?
I can't think of anything else other than to go back to the old cams and run the test again. Maybe the cam lobes are slightly different in height/duration (?)