mcgovern61 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:28 am[/url]":mo70dbb8]
I cleaned all of my electrical connections in their respective connectors using my Dremmel with a very tiny bit that fit right in there. Polished those babies right up!! Then dielectric grease in the BACK of the connector where the wires go in because that is where most of the moisture makes its way into the connectors (water just follows the wires right). Sure wish these were water proof connectors, but alas they are not!
You will find that many have cut out the three wire stator connector (like the melted one shown above) and soldered the three wires. The only problem with that is if you pull the motor, you have to cut the wires again to re-solder. I pulled 3 engines out of mine over the last few years and cut the wires three times and they are STILL TOO SHORT! :smilie_happy:
Last year, I invested in new connectors from here:
I was the best thing I believe I could do with my stator connector! Almost 1 year later and it is still sealed and no resistance!