...I've been a little under the weather since Sunday morning, i got a rush job in on some carbs Saturday afternoon, so after getting set up sunday morning to do the job, the wife calls me in to eat breakfast, so i go in and eat. Then i go back to the shop and go to work on the carbs....and BAMMMMMMM.... :shock: i thought i was having a heart attack.... :shock: ..yeah....it was a real hum dinger...hurt like hell. The wife says...are you ok ...and i said..we have to go now.....so we loaded up and went to the hospital, lips getting numb, hand starting to tingle, hyper ventilating...crap...are we there yet... :head bang: .
After all the blood they got and testing (which almost killed me anyways)...some kinda of nuclear stress test....where they filled my veins up with some crap for the imaging scan,,,then your heart starts racing like your running on the tread mill.... :Awe: ....racing to the end of no where...I thought for sure that was it... :shock: and the nurse said...how do you feel....so how do you answer a question when you can't breath... :head bang: ...so after a few minutes, my heart settles down a little, and what do you think they give you for an antidote to reverse this action....Caffeine....which i can't do anymore....it causes me to have anxiety attacks.... :head bang: :head bang: ..what a freaking ..

oh2: , so i just had to go thur the whole crap...until it wore off... :sensored: :sensored: . I spent that day and Monday..laying flat of my back, while they poked me for more blood, giving me shots in my stomach...some kind of blood thinner, reading my blood pressure every 15 minutes ..waiting for information on what is going on.....then the doctor comes in late Monday and gives me the news, I had a Pancreatitis attack (that crap hurts)and he says its from acid reflux that has caused an infection, since i have no gall bladder anymore... :rant: :rant: ..so i am now taking Prevacid,..