fuel pumps for 1200's?

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Don't mean to be at all, :nea: really addressing the comment before yours, :yes: come across in an unintended way too often. :whistling:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=154094#p154094:32jifjfs said:
slabghost » Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:44 am[/url]":32jifjfs]
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=154078#p154078:32jifjfs said:
Ansimp » Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:26 pm[/url]":32jifjfs]
Safety switch controls on electric fuel pumps are to protect you in the case of an accident where fuel is continuing to pump everywhere when you can't turn the pump off!
While agree that is a prudent safety device. I found no mention of such a device in the 1200 manual. Almost every car on the roads today have electric fuel pumps. They are not equipped with a rollover switch. Makes me wonder if they are all that needed. Or if industry thinks a $3.00 switch is too much expense?

Might not be a rollover switch but efi fuel pumps stop when the engine is not running. In most cases they pulse for a timed duration on starting and then stop operating if the engine doesn't run :yes:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=154131#p154131:3nhnhh3p said:
Ansimp » Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:44 pm[/url]":3nhnhh3p]
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=154094#p154094:3nhnhh3p said:
slabghost » Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:44 am[/url]":3nhnhh3p]
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=154078#p154078:3nhnhh3p said:
Ansimp » Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:26 pm[/url]":3nhnhh3p]
Safety switch controls on electric fuel pumps are to protect you in the case of an accident where fuel is continuing to pump everywhere when you can't turn the pump off!
While agree that is a prudent safety device. I found no mention of such a device in the 1200 manual. Almost every car on the roads today have electric fuel pumps. They are not equipped with a rollover switch. Makes me wonder if they are all that needed. Or if industry thinks a $3.00 switch is too much expense?

Might not be a rollover switch but efi fuel pumps stop when the engine is not running. In most cases they pulse for a timed duration on starting and then stop operating if the engine doesn't run :yes:
And just what stops them? electrolyte draining from the battery?
Only time standard or interstate pumps run is when coil fires, does not fire if motor stops, but fuel can leak if float would stick open. Does not need to pumped to be a problem!!! Anything can happen, & your dead, try to be safe to a point then fu-- it. i Don't worry about too much that's been thought through, only so much you can do anyway, then try to enjoy life!
so motor won't quit from fuel starvation but if it does fuel stops. Either way should be minimal chance of fire.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=154047#p154047:3nw5z3yl said:
Denver » Yesterday, 4:04 am[/url]":3nw5z3yl]
NOT A BANK ANGLE SENSOR :nea: !!!!!!! That is your TURN SIGNAL CANCEL SENSOR. :rtfm: :builder: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: To each his or her own, you buy stock parts when you can & have the cash to throw at a project. If you find stock no longer available at the dealer, the best CURRENT price on web is $150. You can buy TWO auto pumps that are made to work UNDER a car, in all temperatures, UNBELIEVABLE conditions, snow, ice, rain, etc for $50, that fit, & work well. YOU go ahead & buy a stock one from someone you never met, with no real guarantee, you have more SPARE money at your disposal than me!!!! :hihihi:

sorry...didn't mean to touch a nerve. I just think honda makes a good part and it fits, has right pressure, not mention it looks like it belongs.
I will say the idea of buying two cheap auto pumps is a good idea, that should get you to about half the life of a stock Honda pump.
The part about having more spare money, well maybe,I'm not married so I dont have to feed that horse, but mostly I'm just tired of making due, I'm old and anymore I'd rather just spend the money once and do it right.
Imagine legs and arms are broken and you are stuck with your motorcycle / car with a split fuel line and an electric fuel pump that keeps spraying fuel on you and your hot engine etc :(
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=154139#p154139:ifemp3lm said:
Ansimp » Today, 1:20 am[/url]":ifemp3lm]
Imagine legs and arms are broken and you are stuck with your motorcycle / car with a split fuel line and an electric fuel pump that keeps spraying fuel on you and your hot engine etc :(
That sounds like a scene from Mad Max. One of my favorite movies.
If motor stays running, pump will keep pumping. :eek:k: but for how long, if its pumping is not keeping it running??? :hihihi: Imagination is a GREAT thing, try to keep an eye on mine, can run away from one pretty easily! :thank_you: :moped: deanbw no worry's about nerve touching, :nea: never got to the point where trying to do better with less, was not an issue. :thank_you:
Well boys & girls, price went from just a little over $20, to just under $40, for the same pump. :roll: Glad i got mine, & hope if you wanted one you have it, or ordered & its on the way, at the better price. :yes:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=154496#p154496:zcoe7k1o said:
Denver » Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:53 am[/url]":zcoe7k1o]
Well boys & girls, price went from just a little over $20, to just under $40, for the same pump. :roll: Glad i got mine, & hope if you wanted one you have it, or ordered & its on the way, at the better price. :yes:
The old supply and demand :doh: Seems like everything I hesitate/watch on eBay has gotten more expensive by the time I make up my mind :head bang:
Things must be worse than i thought, if my demand drives the price. :smilie_happy: Think the ones that i bought, & two others, was all that moved in the time since this post started. :headscratch:
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=154540#p154540:j61f6fg9 said:
Denver » Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:36 pm[/url]":j61f6fg9]
Things must be worse than i thought, if my demand drives the price. :smilie_happy: Think the ones that i bought, & two others, was all that moved in the time since this post started. :headscratch:
Sometimes it pays to increase your price as perception can be too cheap is crappy quality :yes: and sellers often just go off the amount of watchers not necessarily sales. At the moment 3 items in my watch list have gone up by at least 25% :doh: but maybe that's just the falling Aud :(
Don't do a lot of the watching, & waiting game for price to come down, or better deal to come along. Look & if its what ive been wanting, & or looking for, & at what seems to be a reasonable or better price, its mine.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=154577#p154577:2gokvx6f said:
Denver » Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:00 am[/url]":2gokvx6f]
Don't do a lot of the watching, & waiting game for price to come down, or better deal to come along. Look & if its what ive been wanting, & or looking for, & at what seems to be a reasonable or better price, its mine.
175 items on my active watchlist :head bang:
Rockauto has a variety of mfg of the Prelude pumps for less, :yes: plus they bolt up & connect like stock. :read:
Just a quick note on pumps; :wave: Three thousand on one, two on another, several hundred on the third, & all doing well. :BigGrin: Mileage not any the worse on any, & so far NO PROBLEMS! :yahoo: