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littlebeaver":2fn79hki said:
The people have spoken...

But what did they say, all's good?
Im afraid the only guys working will be at 7/11 pretty soon.
Thank god we bailed out CM and Chrysler - we should have invested in Toyota because they have a higher North American content than either of those so called domestic brands. What a farce and the thing that makes it worse is we in Canada (the lemmings that we are) will do exactly the same!
I love politics but hate politicians !
the election was a total fraud ...there was no way the people in cali voted to eat poison unlable food ...just a week ago it was 2 to one ...then the nightly liars newcast started saying it was getting closer...and on the election it was defeated...cali has all electronic voting machines and theres absolutly no way to recount vote and its easy as can be to rig the election ...this not only happen in cali but everywhere....theres no way the black racist won the election ....but the moneychangers were not giving up this gloden black racist card as president ...they have managed to strip so rights from the people with the black racist and war all over the world as he just got finished letting the white ambassidor die along with some brave seals who would not stand down like this black racist creep ordered ...i have no use for such a disgusting example of person...i would be just moraly flawed to support such a waste air this racist parisite on the take ...he is a complete traitor to america and sould be arrested for war crimes and murder against totaly ashamed of the united fraud against american people that dcgov is

maybe I'll just let that be

BTW did you notice the stock market had its worst day in a year yesterday
Some people Win and some people lose....Race has nothing to do with anything Joe... I'm sad to read the stuff you wrote...Very Sad....The Ambassador was his friend Joe, I'm sure it was a major mistake and he has to live with it....Pointing at someones race is destructive....I'm sure you don't care, or you would not have written this crap.....truth is he hired all white Campaign managers to get him re-elected, I don't call that racist...His team was smarter than the other guys team was...It's as simple as that..
gee cant agree there beav he and his staff through out race card the entire election and he or his staff were never slaves or victoms ...calling whites racist all the time because it politicly correct in the eyes nightly liars and deceavers report known as main stream news dosnt make racism right ...the calling people racist who never owned slaves by people who were never slaves ...and for the whites to be punished held back jailed for hate speech for slavory they had no part in ,,,,there is never a reason to justify out right racisum as practise by the demagods party of deceavers...dont get me wrong i said in earlier post matter who wins it will be a loser ...there is no path to the presidency in this country without being a total traitor to the people and high treason ....there a lot more wrong than just a race argument ...both these jerks are in the highest of organized crime against the world and its people

im sure if the ambassador could get out his grave he would slap the **** and color off odummer on the take
There are 2200 Federal Programs,18000 State Programs and Innumerable County and City programs that provide FREE MONEY from government. Government grants and subsidies are becoming the norm in addition to other "entitlements". The problem is that for every non-producer who receives money from government it must be extracted from another Tax payer producer. This has about run it's course and with our debt base currency we must create more debt over and above interest and principle every year to keep the game alive. Problem will be who will purchase the debt as it becomes obvious that it will never be paid off. My guess is by 3rd quarter 2015 the system collapses and we get a reset. First Europe then japan, GB etc fail financially. We will be the last because we are still the world's reserve currency. At first it will appear that we are doing well as capital will flee to the perceived safety of the US dollar. Then suddenly a new safe haven for capital will emerge (I think Asia) and the dollar collapses. Are you ready for this? It won't be guns and butter but gold and silver that will carry what's left of your wealth through about 4 years of chaos.

Now that the elections are over, it will be Obama who gets the blame (not his doing the results would be the same with Republicans in office) This will turn the public off to the Democrats for years to come. If Romney had been elected you could look forward to Hillary Clinton as the next President so the events of the last week do have a bright side. My hope is that a third party with some fiscal and common sense can come into play as we pull ourselves out of this cycle of debt. The federal reserve should be reduced to a check clearing house and the US treasury should take charge of creating our money debt free. As it is now with the Federal Reserve system every dollar that comes into existence does so in the form of debt to the people and depends on inflation to "smooth" out the currency. That is nothing more than an insidious, silent tax on every dollar earned. In effect we are an economically enslaved population. The only way out is to refuse to participate. Don't produce. I quit 5 years ago and will NOT produce anything for government to squander.
Well I do too, well said....And I totally agree....someone's gonna get blamed no matter what.. Here's the thing, Everyone needs to work together in the interest of the American people, Dems. need to listen more and Rep. need do the same because guess what ? Everyone is paying attenion now days it seems....If Obama and his people screwed up in Lib. they need to own up to their mistake....and if they do not, I just may have to shift gears...I say we all Vote Dan in for President....Sidewinder can be his campaign manager, ... :smilie_happy:
In our country, it seems that the people often forget (or do not understand) that we are a Republic based on representative government. No history lessons here, just stating the fact that we do (as the people) have the ability to pressure our Representatives (actually inundate them would be better) that we are not going to accept this fiscal situation. The President can only sign into law what congress writes as the law including all of the spending bills!

Honestly, when you see how few people actually do talk or write their representatives you might be shocked! In essence, we have given them cart blanche with our money with very little fear that we will actually do anything. :read:
scdmarx":1eopz0ul said:
I call foul! We already had Hillary for president once. Remember how that worked out for us? :doh:
Oh yeah we did didn't we, remember how she was all involved in Bill's business and such...That's funny Ron.... :clapping:
Beave Im afraid Joe was not far off the mark when he talked about race He was just a tad excited, 93% of people that call themselves african american voted Obama, the topic of CNN last night dealt largely with the question of how the Democrats will fare with a candidate that does not draw the race card. And as far as being smarter, well (trying to be polite here) not in this universe, but I will concede "he may be more resourceful".

Imu I think your right when you predict the collapse, Obama will be a feckless president dealing with a Republican house. I dont see anyone looking for shelter in US Bonds, I'm afraid smart money will be looking east.

and I have always wanted to know ............. if Republicans are conservative and Democrats are liberals why are the colours bass ackwards. Blue = Conservative ......... Red = Liberal

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