Get out and VOTE.

Classic Goldwings

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Yeeeesh....what have I done? :doh: I started this thread just to encourage folks to vote. I respect the rights of anyone that don't's everyone's personal choice. Dint mean for it to turn into a political debate, or commentary. :blush: That stuff is best left for the "No Holds" forum. So....please try to keep this thread on the vote topic.... :mrgreen: :popcorn: :wave:
brianinpa":3a3m96ix said:
Too early to call. Seems to be the only thing NBC knows tonight.

Ya but Ohio is starting to get away from him, and Romney wont make it without those 18 Ohio votes
AApple":wkreykxh said:
Yeeeesh....what have I done? :doh: I started this thread just to encourage folks to vote. I respect the rights of anyone that don't's everyone's personal choice. Dint mean for it to turn into a political debate, or commentary. :blush: That stuff is best left for the "No Holds" forum. So....please try to keep this thread on the vote topic.... :mrgreen: :popcorn: :wave:
It's just the subject matter. As a rule concerning religion and politics, people who want to share their beliefs with you, don't always want you to share yours with them. Or...everybody's right, and everybody else is wrong. :popcorn:
scdmarx":1es023wk said:
It's just the subject matter. As a rule concerning religion and politics, people who want to share their beliefs with you, don't always want you to share yours with them. Or...everybody's right, and everybody else is wrong. :popcorn:

:smilie_happy: Yeah...I know... :hihihi:
Even if you do not suport either candidate,there are always many state and local issues on the ballets and each vote counts.
There have been many millages,proposals and township elections that have came down to single digets.

Here in MI we have 6 proposals,five of them want to change our constitution.In my township there are several positions up for elections that came down to recounts in the primarys,and a fire millage that failed the last time it was proposed by 2 votes.

So if you want to right in HOWDY DOODY for president,go ahead.But I am sure there is a local topic you may care about or will effect your tax's and may not even know it.
No worries Joel. I'm pretty thick skinned and everyone here is pretty level headed and can keep they're cool.
At least so far :smilie_happy: :popcorn:

More :popcorn: while we watch the tally.
:smilie_happy: I just heard that obama will take an early lead but that
will change when the Republicans get off work. :smilie_happy:
Just because someone wins the popular vote doesn't mean they will be the next president. I just think this is wrong!
I been tryin to 'splain that whole concept to Mama all evening....I'm so tired.... :Awe:

Seems we are getting a lot more of the same for another four years. Oh goody I can hardly wait.....................I'd be happy to wait until hell freezes over!
6 Billion Dollars invested in the election and nothing has changed, House, Senate, President, not even Vice President
the Last four years must have been better than I thought.
Oh yeah last four years have been great. I was on layoff half the time. Half my coworkers haven't been allowed to work in over six months.The cost of everything has gone up a modest 80%. My income has barely improved at all. I get to do the work of two other guys plus myself. My friends have been on expense paid vacations to the sandbox at least three times where they have the fun of playing targets for radicals. I could go on and on how great it's been.
america the joke of the world ...we are an occuppied people just like palestinians in isreal glad im retired ....i will never do anything that would benifit this traitor dcgov of total fraud and whorthless moneychanger parisites that have shut this country down and stealing everything from the people ...we live in a slave markit run by the federal reserve moneychanger scums and there puppet dcgov that caters to them and screws the people ...we as americans need to expell these banking scums whose adgenda is hell on earth to all but them...i will never pay anything to the worst people on earth to support invading and killing others around the world ...when the problem is in dcgov and the traitors that vote our country and rights away .... :cheeky: theres about as much truth in the election count as there is truth in the main stream media nightly gov crime coverup broadcast

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