Gl1100 clutch handle bolt seized and damaged neutral switch during removal.

Classic Goldwings

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Feb 7, 2022
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toronto ontario
My Bike Models
Goldwing GL1000 GL1100 CB1000C
I tried all things to remove the bolt that the clutch handle pivots on. When all else failed and the slot on the bolt head was almost destroyed, I applied heat and finally got the bolt to leave the handle. I replaced that bolt but the switch got ruined by the heat. Is that switch something that can be coaxed out and replaced ? I see on Ebay where they have the whole clutch handlebar mechanism but mine is now good to go, except for that switch. Its not overly expensive to replace the whole clutch mechanism but will the next one be seized If so I am back to where I started from. Anyone have any experience with this type of situation ? Google would not offer me any advice ? Thanks alot... Ian By the way, Ebay calls the part : "Clutch Handle Perch or Clutch Handle Mount"
The switch you are referring too is part of the Safety Circuit. The clutch lever must be pulled in so you don't accidently start the engine with the bike in gear. There's a work around, put a jumper across the switch wires. Be careful, don't try to start it in gear.

Later, Bud...
I would ask the seller to check that the bolt isn’t seized. At least this way you have proof you asked in a dispute if it turns out frozen, but eBay reputation is important, sellers don’t want bad reviews.
The switch you are referring too is part of the Safety Circuit. The clutch lever must be pulled in so you don't accidently start the engine with the bike in gear. There's a work around, put a jumper across the switch wires. Be careful, don't try to start it in gear.

Later, Bud...

I would ask the seller to check that the bolt isn’t seized. At least this way you have proof you asked in a dispute if it turns out frozen, but eBay reputation is important, sellers don’t want bad reviews.
I am realizing that the Goldwings, great as they have been still are 45 plus year old. That means its hard to figure out a repair, its twice as hard to then try and find the parts. A simple pivot bolt can ruin the day.Thanks for the feedback...

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