well im glad it dosnt sound like the last time I heard the motor ...
Sounds like it's not firing on all 4.[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=147751#p147751:1jigyjfm said:auctioneeral » 8 minutes ago[/url]":1jigyjfm]
Well I got the carbs clean and put together with no leak's. Installed on bike today and adjusted valves. Got sync gauge out and did the best I could. Now on the pilot screws on bottom of carbs I have then out two and half full turns. I think my #1 cylinder as a bad valve seal because when running it smokes some from just under exhaust pipe at the head and you can smell oil burning. Also after running awhile 5-7 minutes I shut bike off and after 5 minutes sitting the left side head and exhaust were almost cold but right side was hot exhaust and the right head was hot. Its still not to my likey. I have new plug wires and caps to install.
Also what does the pilot screw adjust?
I took video showing it running.