Yes I checked the block deck for flat when the heads were off.
I havent done the exhaust gas test again yet.
Just trying everything I come up with before writing off the engine as cracked.
I'm considering all the suggestions and some ideas I get from other forums as well as the owner who talks to friends for ideas.
One she talked to said he had a 1200 which always ran hot.
Turned out it had a air pocket which wouldnt purge until they removed one of the head coolant fittings, after that the temp was fine.
That got me to thinking ( a dangerous thing anymore) to measure the amount of water that goes in after emptying the radiator and block from the drain plug.
Real strange, The capacity is 3.4 quarts but it will only take 2 quarts into the radiator including a few burps then top off.
When I fill mine it takes approx 3.5 quarts including the recovery so I put one quart in the recovery on the 1200 and let it cool figuring as it cools that quart will get sucked in.
Well, it's cool now and the recovery has dropped only a small amount, maybe a cup and the radiator is full :?: The way I figure it, all the water should have been sucked in and wanting more to top off the recovery.
I tested the recovery hose is making a tight seal and the radiator cap is new.
Maybe I'm chasing my tail at this point but it seems like there's something not right here, that and the fact the radiator gets hot well before the thermostat would be opening, after just a minute or 2 running.
Maybe a cracked cylinder sleeve would cause these symptoms?