By watching this video, in your experience, is this a possible blown head gasket?
[url= said:dan filipi » Today, 7:57 am[/url]":3d1ti96v]
It sounds starving for gas.
Idle, is it firing on all 4 cylinders? Spray water on each exhaust header. Should all be equally hot.
How is flow from the pump. New filter? Flow okay from the tank?
When you cleaned carbs, did you clean the screen below the float valves?
[url= said:mcgovern61 » Today, 8:27 am[/url]":1radkus9]
It could be the accelerator pump circuit is clogged. Check out this post: viewtopic.php?p=188216#p188216
I did not know the kit came with that. The kits I have seen only come with the pump plunger, spring and o-rings.[url= said:cowboy45 » Wed May 17, 2017 1:40 pm[/url]":326af0ml]
[url= said:mcgovern61 » Today, 8:27 am[/url]":326af0ml]
It could be the accelerator pump circuit is clogged. Check out this post: viewtopic.php?p=188216#p188216
I installed the little accelerator cup that came with the new kit. You think I should clean and reinstall the old one?