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I cleaned mine up and jb welded it. Looks bad works fine. A master off another metric bike will work.
[url= said:made2care » Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:01 am[/url]":jv0dfj4p]
Another issue. The original front master cylinder reservoir is shot , so i check online for a replacement and its a whopping $57, omg.
for a piece of plastic. Any alternatives, say different setup from another bike?
I will have one available with a key shortly. I just got a new set of the Hondaline bags last summer and they came with brand new locks with matching keys. I will be taking my old locks off and replacing them with the new locks. How soon do you need it? I am traveling out of town a lot so I might not be able to get to it right away.[url= said:made2care » Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:10 pm[/url]":3t0ct85j]
[url= said:slabghost » Today, 1:45 pm[/url]":3t0ct85j]
Rather expensive but is what you are looking for here? ... hq&vxp=mtr
Thanks for looking but that's not it. Here's a pic: ... =17747&t=1
There are 3 of these locks that attach to the frame. These are made for the hondaline removable saddlebags which i believe was extra and added to the bike along with the fairing back in 1981, in the factory. I have two already, one for each saddlebag and am missing one for the trunk, which would be the same as the ones attached to the frame for the saddlebags.
There is an entire frame with all three locks on ebay but its well over $200 and obviously i don't need the frame. The po simply bolted the trunk/hardbag to the frame and I need the lock so that i could remove the trunk.
another pic: ... =17749&t=1
The po simply bolted the trunk/hardbag to the frame and I need the lock so that i could remove the trunk.
[url= said:mcgovern61 » Today, 2:47 pm[/url]":1p1ytn9o]
The po simply bolted the trunk/hardbag to the frame and I need the lock so that i could remove the trunk.
Understood. Is the frame that he bolted the bag down to the correct one for the lock?
2nd, When the bag is used as a trunk and attached to the lock, mine rattles a little bit. The whole trunk rests on the lock mechanism and the metal tangs under the bag. I have a radio mounted inside my trunk right now and also have the cargo rack on top. I have been known to overload the trunk and ultimately cracked the ABS plastic inside the trunk right at the mount. Just is possible the PO wanted to stop the rattle?
Fixing the ABS with a flat aluminum strap:
Allen, I need to get these bags down to you![url= said:auctioneeral » Tue Feb 02, 2016 11:46 am[/url]":142d5tzn]
About 2-3 weeks ago on fb selling 3 new locks with keys.
[url= said:made2care » Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:37 pm[/url]":2roxwz8e]
Why would the saddlebags have marker lights? Would there be a quick electrical disconnect of sorts?
[url= said:mcgovern61 » Today, 3:37 pm[/url]":3t7waiif]
[url= said:made2care » Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:37 pm[/url]":3t7waiif]
Why would the saddlebags have marker lights? Would there be a quick electrical disconnect of sorts?
These bags did not come with marker lights, they would have been added by the PO.
No, just disconnect the drive shaft, slide it back and pull the boot. It is very tight getting it around the universal, but it will come out.[url= said:made2care » Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:23 pm[/url]":3fhysgtj]
Driveshaft boot needs to be replaced. How is this done ? Does rear wheel need to come off?