Here she is, I named her, "the Wanderer "

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
dan filipi » Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:27 pm[/url]":1amqvzgj]
Blash problem?

Shorthand for backlash? :whistling:
Well, just when I thought I had her fixed.............The left tailpipe started steaming again and this time its worse than before. I am really depressed now. I took my time, was very careful and I am starting to wonder if the previous owner had these same issues , hence getting rid of her so cheaply.
I have a couple of questions and then I might try to get his other engine.
Could this steaming be something other than a blown head gasket? For instance a water pump issue or maybe a bad thermostat. I am finding it hard to believe that since I just changed the gasket, if that is the culprit, how fast it blew again.
If someone can come up with a process of elimination to figure out what the heck is going on, i would really appreciate it.

I really don't want to give up. I can't but this is nuts!! I have not checked the radiator but it was boiling over , even with the cap on.

Here's some more info. She idled for about 5 min and temp gauge was good but its interesting that this time I warmed her up more than yesterday and then it started steaming.
It's most likely a blown head gasket. Some sell 1000 head gaskets for 1100 motors. They don't last. Because they don't fit the cylinder opening. Did you grease the head bolt threads and torque properly? You can try to torque them again and it may work.
If it was the incorrect gasket, why didn't the right side blow?
Yes, I greased and torqued according to specs but have not re-torqued.
We this really sucks.
If it wasn't overheating and still boiling out the radiator, that has to be combustion gases getting pushed into the cooling system. I've never heard of anything else causing this besides a cracked or warped head.
ok made2care ...dont even think about it ...and pull that head ...obviously the other head is doing good ...there is no time that can be spent on depression sorry its not working but its time to fight now ...not only was this a challenge you were not skilled at but it sure no time to be a looser ...if motor is trashed then you never lost to begin with ..if you have access to another motor then get it not go down on first punch to the chin ...that what most do ...are you most or something else and just ready now to fight very impressed with the way went about things ...keep it up and i dont see this oldwing not running take head off and analyze it ... and post i wouldnt even run it any more ...

loosen head bolts till there just off the surface of head and bang the head a few times with rubber hammer or piece of 2x4 hammer like gasket will release so you can see it good as it wont be damage ...might even be good to use again ...i doubt though...could be cracked head or something who we will find out ...having another motor brings all kinds of options to the table ....when this gets done you will be very talented im sure ...this bike will run :builder:
I re- torqued and no luck. There is no steam coming out at first, but once the engine warms up, steam there is. After reading some of the posts on battling these head gaskets, I might be better off just getting the other engine. He only wants $200 dollars for it and its still in the crate.
Did you read the thread I linked to? Excellent way to be sure everything is flat and gasket seals.
It sure wouldn't hurt to have a spare motor if you have the cash and space for it. :BigGrin:
[url= said:
slabghost » 34 minutes ago[/url]":3mx82jmb]
Did you read the thread I linked to? Excellent way to be sure everything is flat and gasket seals.
It sure wouldn't hurt to have a spare motor if you have the cash and space for it. :BigGrin:

I did read the thread and that was way above my head and too involved. I mean the guy tried everything including OEM gaskets and I would never endeavor that journey he went on. That was crazy.
It's really quite simple taken step by step as he did. You can easily do the same. It will take some time and you will need to learn to use your hands a bit more precisely. It's not beyond anyone who can do what you've already done.
I think I'm just really frustrated right now and tomorrow will be a better day. I should be more positive , since there are way more important issues others are going through in their lives, that supercedes a mere head gasket issue on an old bike.

I will assess my options tomorrow. I wish it was something simple as a bad thermostat but no one here thinks that could be the cause.
I forgot to mention this. I checked the coolant and it does not have any traces of oil like it did before. Also, The coolant in the overflow tank was sucked out by the radiator (what caused that) and then overflowed out of the radiator cap. Maybe I didn't have the cap on tightly.
Another observation, the fan does not kick on but it might not have reached the temp for it to kick on.
Should i go ahead and simply check the thermostat before removing the head again?
No oil & low on coolant, could be a good sign, :popcorn: sure hope so as you went to a great deal of trouble, trying to get it right. :yes:
sounds to me like the head is cracked at the exhaust port or something like that .....and sucking the water out ...but thats not fact could take thremostat out completely and if it still happens that pretty much points to the head itself is bad ....i cant see the thermostat being causing this but it might be you never know till you try what you thinks best ,,,it could also be a bad place in the cylinder sleeve seal and gasket no where near any oil and thats the reason there no mixing of the fluids ...
Just a thought , :smilie_happy: thermostat has a hole in it that goes up to let air out, could an air pocket have been your issue? If all the air is now out of the system, it MIGHT be allright. If not :Awe: :rant: :sensored: I feel your pain if not :swoon:
its pushing water out from the reserve tank ....thats completely on the other end of of the system ...that dosnt line up to me ...water has to be moving for that to happen at a very high rate ..he hasnt ran it that long
This might sound too obvious but remember, this problem (steam from left tailpipe) existed before I changed the head gaskets. I'm suspecting that this head or the block is suspect. It would be even more frustrating if I remove the head, send it off to be milled, go with an OEM gasket (remember, I went with the Athena kit) and it blows again. I guess if I do all that and it does happen, then its time to get the other engine. I don't think I want to tackle the block.

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