How about a forum maintenance log?

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
zman » Yesterday, 11:30 pm[/url]":2kazmyov]
I like the idea of a maintenance log, just wondering if it could be removed from recent post since it is not really a topic that requires a response , new topics can get mixed up with personal organization.
I have to check into that.
I think though if those forums are removed from showing up in active topics, it will also remove them from the forum search function which I don't want.
To make finding your Logs easier, I have added a custom profile field where you can now put a link to your Bike Logs Forum.
This link will appear in your sidebar profile within topics, and when viewing member profile.

To do so, go to your User Control Panel> Edit Profile. Go down the page a bit to My Bike Logs forum link: and paste the link to your Bike Logs forum. The link will then appear in your profile.
[url= said:
zman » September 12th, 2015, 11:30 pm[/url]":1o2g2jpv]
I like the idea of a maintenance log, just wondering if it could be removed from recent post since it is not really a topic that requires a response , new topics can get mixed up with personal organization.
Unfortunately there is no way to remove post showing up in recent topics, unreads etc without also removing them from the search function so we'll just have to live with it.
I like it....werkin otay for me. I can keep up with mileage and tars.... :hihihi:
No more tryin to rely on me memory to keep up with it. :good:
[url= said:
brianinpa » Today, 7:43 am[/url]":39tklqg9]
It's getting hard to remember everything I have done, so I guess now is the time to start keeping a file somewhere. Could you create a sub-forum for me, please?
It's ready for you now!
[url= said:
AlaskaWing » Sun Jun 24, 2018 7:20 pm[/url]":14nafc52]
I'd like a log, if it's not too much trouble, for my GL1200 Aspencade. Got it today with only 48,000 miles on it. Beautiful bike!
Nice. :salute:
[url= said:
AlaskaWing » Today, 1:20 am[/url]":11auiyo3]
I'd like a log, if it's not too much trouble, for my GL1200 Aspencade. Got it today with only 48,000 miles on it. Beautiful bike!
Your bike logs forum is set up. viewforum.php?f=117
Usernames are in alphabetical order.
A direct link to your forum is in your left side profile.

You should be able to create and edit your own topics and posts.

If you need any help, post here or send me a PM.

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